Down the rabbit but HOLE

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Bugs is driving home while you all are slurping and sucking and licking your sweet frozen deserts. How did you all fit Bug's car you may ask? Well, Bugs ended up calling an Uber driver to drive you all after his car broke down. And guess what! The Uber driver pulled up in the limo!! So Bugs isn't really driving no more.
"Mmmm this ice cream soooooo good" you say as you lick your lips and fingers.
Daffy rolls his eyes.
"Mine is better, fart bag" daffy says as he waves his cone in your face.
You spit in his frozen dessert and smack him with your ice cream, making the frozen treat form icicles on his beak.
"HOW RUDE!!" Daffy screams and go cries in the corner of the limo.
You laugh and spank your booty at him to taunt him.
You look over at Bugs and see that he's with the valley girl wannabe. They're sharing ice cream with eachother!!🤢🤮🤮
You gag at how sickening they are, so you decide to walk over to them.
"Hey Bugsy.. do you mind if I call you Bugsy? I'm gonna call you Bugsy.. so umm what are you two doing?" You say smugly and put your arm around Bugs' shoulder.
Bugs quickly removes your arm from around him and gives you a look of disgust.
"I'm uh...with my lady right now y/n. A little privacy please?" Bugs shoes you away and you give him a death glare.
"Oh so you're saying you hate me and want me to DIE?!?! Thanks A**WHOLE!!!" You scream in his face.
"Y/n that's not-" before he could finish you smashed his big dumpy rabbit feet with your stilleto guffi heels.
Bugs screams in plain right in Lola's big fat face and she starts crying. You laugh as you just ruined their perfect couple moment and saunter away.
You see pokey ball face sitting bi himself not enjoying his green yogurt.
"Lol that must suck to be fat porki," you laugh in his face.
"R-r-RUDE!" Porky cries into his yogurt.
"Omg you're so pathetic your such a loser ahahahaha literally go die," you flip the yogurt into his face and the cup gets stuck on his pig snout. He struggles to speak and breathe as you laugh at him and walk away.
You then sit next to Denmark Dan and laugh at the misery in the limo.
"Pathetic aren't they?" You giggle at them.
"Yeah buncha wussies," Sam snickers as he licks the cream from off his lips.
This made your ears perk up, for once you two actually agree on something.
"Yeah like why do I even hang out with these losers?" You gag at them.
"I ask myself the same question everyday," Sam chortles and haws.
"But you're not any better," you make a poo face at him.
"What'd y'all just say?" Sam asks all offended.
"I said YOURE NOT ANY BETTER!!" You scream in his midget face.
Yosemite growls and rolls his eyes.
"I hate you so much" he says and huffs in your face.
You waft away the smoker breath away from your nostrils and scoot away from the nasty Alabama face.
The road is kinda bumpy so it immediately sent turbulence to the limo.
"WOAHHH" you al scream and you all fly up in the air.
"I'm flying! I'm flying!!" You scream as you flail your arms in the air.
Porky is prancing around in the air like a majestic bird. Bugs is clinging onto the seat for dear life. Daffy is screaming is lungs out. Lola is laughing and Yosemite is dead.
The car stops and you all fall back down on the floor of the limo.
"Uhh limo driver?? What happened?" Bugs says as he rolls down the window to talk to the driver.
The driver doesn't respond. Bugs sighs and gets out of the limo to open the drivers door.
Bugs walks out and opens the door.
"Ehh limo driver?" Bugs says annoyed.
Bugs opens the door to find a turtle 🐢 who looks like he just got bleached.
"CECIL??" Bugs yells in shock.
"Thcethcil??" Daffy screams back.
"Ehh I TINK CECIL JUST SUFFERED A HEART ATTACK!!!!" Bungalow screams and passes out from the sight.
Everyone screams as well and they all start flippinG out. "AHHHHHHHHH" everyone screams.

You snap out of your weird day dream and you zone back into reality. You're still sitting next to Yosemite.
"Uhh so anyways, what kind of music do you like?" You sigh annoyed.
"Um.. I dunno.. country?" He answers.
You barf in your mouth.
"Bet you're from Alabama.." you roll your eyes.
The limo stops.
"Ehh we here everybody!" Bugs exclaims and opens the door for all of you.
You all happily waltz out of the limo and you race up to Bugs' house and open the door and immediately plop your plump booty down on his coach.
Bugs stares at you awkwardly and scratches his arm.
"Um...what are you doing y/n?" He asks.
"I'm sitting, retard," you lick his nose to punish him.
"No I ain't goin home?" He asks angrily.
"Um no I'm staying over," you smell Rj back at him.
"No you're not, you need to leave. NOW!" Bugs demands.
"NooooOOOOOOoooOoOoOoOOoOooOo!!!! I will NOT," you cry and scream and throw a fit on his couch. "WWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHUHUHUHLYCHOTISIO HV LHSKGSTUSURFLYSITSURCITCFU ITDTISRU. GCTXTUSIYTKYCYKCITSYICC C HUHUHUHHHHHUHUHY WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!" You scream and cry and flail and kick and dance and play patty cake and kill and eat your feeling and hyperventilate and sob.
"Okay, OKAY! You can STAY!!!" He yells over you.
"Yay!!! Thanks Bugsy" you squeeze your buttcheeks tight and hug him.
His face is bright red, his veins are popping and his cheeks are HUGE.
"Stho are we having a sthlumber party now? Pfft I'm going to bed. You ALL better shut up while I get my beauty sthlerp," Daffy demands Ashe stomps upstairs.
"Ugh...if you wanna stay over raise your hand," Bugs sighs.
You, Tina, Lila, Porky, and Yosemity Same all raise your hands.
"I'll get da sleeping bags," bugs says defeated.
"Um no you need to go home Poopy," you flick Pirkys snout and hack a loogie in both of his nostrils.
"Uguhhhhjhguguhh s-s-stop bullying m-me!!" The pig cries as he blows his nose.
"No you're literally autistic, literally die so I can feed you to homeless Harry down the street," you growl as him.
"F-F-F-FINE!!! IM L-L-LEAVING!!!" Porty screams and prances out the door.
"Good riddance you loser!!!!" You yell after him and cackle at him.
Tina and Lol just stare at you awkwardly, Sam is just asleep on Daffy's recliner, snoring and drooling. His nose was stuck up in the air, exposing his nose hairs.
"Watch this," you say to the two girls as you walk over to Yosemite and...

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