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I remember being told not to meet anyone or introduce myself to anyone without Frank's presence. I can't put my identity out into the world without knowing the threat of a person, especially men dressed in suits.

I sit there trying to think of a response.

But thankfully, Frank rushes inside and stands behind the man, but perfect into my view. He nods his head towards the door, and I get up. I stand a whole foot shorter than the man in front of me, "Pardon me," I move around him.

"What did you say?" his voice sounds lethal.

I freeze where I am standing. I see Frank's eyes widen a bit as the man turns around. He must know him. Oh shit. I already messed up on my first day. I turn around to an angry face.

"Pardon me?" I speak.

"I asked for your name. How dare you not answer me?" he seems disgusted, appalled even.

I am startled by his assertiveness. His tone is unappreciated. One thing I will not tolerate is a man thinking he is entitled to getting whatever he asks for. A familiar raging feeling begins to rise within me.

"How dare I not answer you? It is my right not to give my name to just anybody," I fire back, keeping my voice calm. When arguing, I never break eye contact and always speak normally. I never react the same way because the main goal is to make the other person seem like they are overreacting. It's an easy way to get under someone's skin.

Frank clears his throat. I don't bother turning my head.

The man stands in front of me, glaring down at my tiny stature. I need to start wearing heels. I hate being talked down to.

"Did you just call be an 'anybody'?" He scoffs, "You must be out of your fucking mind,"

I clench my fist at my sides and kiss my teeth. He sees the attitude I am displaying and is displeased at my lack of cooperation.

Another tactic is to leave the argument unfinished, and unbothered.

I turn on my heel and head to the cash register, where my shoes are lined up. I hand the lady the card, seeing her hand shake as she takes it from me.

"Don't," is all the man says.

She stops what she is doing and quickly hands me my card back.

I snap be head back to where he stands and squint.

He has a mischievous smile on his face as if he is playing a game.

I glance at Frank, who eyes the exit.

I turn back to the cashier, "Have a lovely day," I smile.

I glance at the man once more, then walk out of the place.

"Miss Moore, that was highly inappropriate!" Frank whisper shouts, trying to catch up to me.

"He was being a dick all because I wouldn't tell him my name. What the fuck is his problem. I was polite and quiet like I was told to be, but he doesn't know what boundaries are,"

"Language young lady, and" he grabs my arms and puts me to a stop, "You clearly have no idea who he is," he takes in a breath. For a well-built man in his mid-thirties, he is having a hard time keeping up with me.

"I don't care who he is," I cross my arms in front of me, trying to cool off the steam.

"You should. He is one of the people you will be learning about, Miss Moore," I meet Frank's worried eyes.


"He is the son of one of the wealthy families your grandfather works with. In fact, he is your biggest competition, which you have clearly made an enemy,"

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