Care Of Magical Creatures

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(Athena's POV)

I headed to my first class, charms, I could not sleep last night. When I got to class almost everybody was there, when Professor Flitwick started talking all I could think about was Elle. I kept seeing our uncle all of the Daily Prophet and I knew Elle saw it too.

I went on my way to Care of Magical Creatures class, it was Hagrid's first day. I could only imagine what a train wreck this would be. Hagrid started talking and told us that we had to stroke the spine of our books to open them, "Oh we had to stroke them, how silly we've all been" Dray said.

"Shut up," Potter retorted.

After that Hagrid left to go and get whatever dumb creature he was going to show us. When he got back he had a creature that he said was a Hippogriff. Hagrid let them come closer but the only ones who did were Potter, Weasly, and Granger but the only one who wanted to try and touch them was Potter. First, he had to make eye contact with the creature, then he had to bow, but he could only touch it if it bowed back. The Hippogriff bowed back and Potter went to go and pet his beak. Suddenly Hagrid said, "I reckon you can ride him now" and then helped him get on its back. After a short ride, Potter was back on the ground. After that, the rest of the class started on their Hippogriffs, Dray, of course, started getting cocky saying it was so easy. But then he said, "You're not dangerous at all, are you, you big ugly brute". Suddenly the Hippogriff attacked and Dray was on the ground.

"I'm dying, I'm dying." Dray repeated, "Look at me, it's killed me". Crab, Goyle, and I rushed over to him but Hagrid got there first.

"Yer not dyin'!" He said, "Come on, someone help me get him outta here".

I decided later that night I would see him if he was still in the hospital wing. I wasn't going to tell Elle though, I knew she would want to know but I don't think Dray would want me to tell her.

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