Chapter One: Meeting Celeste Avala

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Two starry night eyes met her gaze in the reflection, framed by wavy teal curls that were knotted back into a low ponytail. She straightened the front of her collar and examined herself in the mirror. It wasn't every day she cared so much about small details of her appearance, but she figured it'd be important to make some sort of good first impression to her new captain.

Just yesterday she received a note tacked to the door to her cabin, telling her that she was scheduled for a one on one interview with the new captain of the Imperial Rhapsody. The note had been signed by the captain herself, Celeste Avala. It was no wonder that Hailey had been shocked, especially considering that the news of a new captain was so recent and unexpected.

"Hailey, hurry up!" her step-brother, Zander's voice echoed from outside.

"Yeah, yeah, coming!" Hailey called back, and gave one last glance in the mirror before she left and slammed the door behind her. Her step-brother was waiting for her outside in the hallway, and gave her an affectionate punch in the shoulder.

"What took you so long?" he asked, his usual sarcastic grin drew across his face.

"Oh, you know, just... thinking about all... this," she shrugged as they walked down the rows of staff cabins on each side of the hallway. Streaks of blue and grey carpet rolled under their feet

"Yeah, it's weird how Captain Avala waited until today for our interviews," Zander frowned, turning the corner towards the elevators. "I mean, the cruise is going to arrive and all the guests will come aboard tomorrow!"

"The announcement of the new captain was quite abrupt," she agreed, "but you know the reason why our interviews are last. It's always the same reason."

Zander sighed. "It's because..." 

"We're the youngest," two more voices chimed in, and Hailey turned to find two younger girls walking alongside them. They appeared to be the twins, with identical pale orange eyes and caramel tan skin.

"Hey, you two," said Hailey, smiling. Aria and Rabia Baliel were probably the most liked staff members on the ship, despite their young age. They were only fourteen, yet were the most hardworking, efficient, and fun workers aboard.

"'Sup, Hailey," one of them grinned, white hair separated into low pigtails that bounced around her as she walked. A band aid covered the freckles that sprinkled across the bridge of her nose, and she was sporting new bandages that reached from elbow to wrist on each hand.

"Rabia, what happened to your hands?" Zander's eyebrows knitted together over his periwinkle eyes, and Hailey chuckled. Rabia was the daredevil of the two, always trying new things and getting herself in danger.

"You don't want to know," her twin said quietly. Aria looked up, making the butterfly clip in her hair glitter as a perfect ray of sunshine hit the metal. Her soft smile reflected her kind and shy personality, much different from Rabia.

"Let's just say it had to involve... a major series of burns."

"Yikes," Hailey laughed, "you feeling okay now?"

Rabia shrugged as the doors of the elevator closed behind them. She jabbed at the button harder than needed. "Yeah, sure. Could feel better if our dad was still captain, though. It sucks that we have to take these interviews, too. I could be doing so many better things than meeting up with that -"

"Rabia," Aria chided, "you know that father had to leave. Debt and all. Besides, just because Captain Avala took over his position doesn't mean she's not nice."

"Sure," she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. ||

Captain Baliel, the Imperial Rhapsody's previous captain, was also the twins' father. Hailey could tell Rabia was still slightly salty about it.

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