Chapter Six: A Musical Dilemna

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A bright, pale yellow suffused over the dark cerulean waters like a photo filter, making the light bouncing and glaring from the cruise ship windows. Milly leaned forwards on the balcony, letting her mind roam free as the evening breeze tousled her fiery pink hair. After the panicked scramble towards the ship, all she wanted to do was lean back and enjoy the ocean breeze. They had made it to the ship just before the clock ticked to five. If it hadn't been for Elliot's alert, she would've wound up like the rest of the Kalopsia.

Speaking of the devil...

"Hey, Milly!" She turned to find Luke running around the corner towards her on the balcony. "Has the Kalopsia arrived yet?"

"No, I thought you were watching for them," she said, straightening and lifting a brow quizzically. "It's been fifteen minutes past, are they still not back?"
"Nope," said Luke worriedly, "They might still believe that they're supposed to come back at six. The ship won't be here by then!"

Milly twiddled her thumbs - a habit she often did when she was nervous. "Surely the ship will stand for a bit? They're the stars of the whole trip, there's no way the ship will leave without them!"

"No, apparently the crew is on a really tight schedule," he sighed. Worried lines were creasing his forehead, and his nails were chipped from biting them. "We already tried calling all of them at least five times, but they didn't pick up!"

"What about Ethan and Lucy? They always have their phones on them!"

"No, even they didn't respond," Luke replied tiredly. "I don't know what else we can do... the crew's already running late for the next voyage."

"C'mon, surely we can persuade the captain?"

"Persuade me of what?"

Milly nearly jumped five feet in the air, and Luke flinched violently. The captain had appeared so suddenly, and her footsteps made no sound at all. Her vibrant, crimson hair swung around her as the dull, brown depths of her eyes pierced stonily into Milly's vivid red ones.

"My apologies," she chuckled ruefully, "I didn't mean to cause such a fright."

"No, no, it's fine!" Luke laughed awkwardly. "Ah, we... We were just talking about the uh, band and stuff! You know... like, maybe how we can wait a bit longer until they arrive? Right? They have to be here soon!"
"Besides, our opening show is tonight! The cruise can't continue without the rest of the band - it can't only be us two!" Milly begged.

"I'm sorry," sighed the captain, "but as I said, we have to get to Isafjordur by tomorrow, and we're already running slightly late on schedule. I have no idea why the star members of our band decided to stay behind, but rules are rules."

"Ethan mentioned that someone from the staff team called him saying the departing time was rescheduled," Milly recalled, "surely there has to be some sort of misconception?"

Avala frowned. "I'm afraid that's false. Nobody from our team has access to the band's contacts except myself and the activity manager. They've been asleep all day after a night shift, so I don't see how that could have happened. No such order was given, and it's impossible for anyone to have been credible enough to make such a major change."

Milly looked up at her cold, coffee eyes, which guarded every emotion carefully. They told no story - not even a single hint of a flicker.

"Maybe just fifteen more minutes?" Luke tried.

Avala sighed again. "I came up here to tell you that we may have unfortunately stalled enough. Even only a few more minutes can cause a massive delay to our journey to Isajfordour, especially with the oncoming storm tonight. We may just have to drop off their belongings and send one of our officers from the city to take care of them safely."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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