Chapter Four: A Ticking Bomb of Anger

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"No way."

"Zander -"

"No way. And you just let him off the hook?"

"Obviously not!" said Hailey defensively. She leaned against the counter and took a quick glance out the door to the hallway. The two were at one of the formal diners of the ship to greet guests and guide them to a table to sit at. A deep, crimson carpet stretched out under their feet, with chandeliers glittering from the ceiling and silk tablecloths draping over antique wood tables.

"But what can I do?" she exhaled. "He's just a guest, anyway, and it's not like he's hurting the people around me. It's a personal problem, nothing more."

Zander rolled his eyes, "Okay, but the jerk - what's his name - Jake? He still hurt you, and from the sounds of it, he meant business."

"Yeah, whatever..." she muttered. She was starting to regret recounting the incident with Zander. He always made the biggest deals of the smallest  things.

"Look... You know what he said isn't true. Don't listen to them. Your musical talents are unbelievable, and your singing is beautiful," her step-brother said, a small smile inching up his face, and she returned it gratefully.

"Who's the guest you got for the trial again?" she asked.

"Luke Peterson," said Zander, suddenly becoming immersed with twisting the ring on his finger. "He's the drummer of the Kalopsia band."

Hailey sighed, "I wish I got someone from the Kalopsia; it would've been great to talk to someone who shared a passion for music. Y'know, other than you."


"Don't get me wrong," Hailey laughed, "it's just you ramble on and on about classical music way too much."

Suddenly, a soft, salty ocean breeze swept in through the open windows, making a silver wind chime tinkle. The doors to the diner slid open, and a group of six walked in. Who seemed to be the leader of the gag stepped to the counter and flashed a charming smile.

"Hey there, I'm Ethan Collins, singer and leader of the Kalopsia band," he said, gesturing to the other members behind him. His dark, purple hair had a single, pale streak rushing through it. A woman behind him wore a similar highlight that streaked through her blonde hair.

"That's Lucissa, my girlfriend," said Ethan, noticing Hailey's stare, grinning. His glassy, dark green eyes were just a tone darker than Lucissa's light jade ones. "You like our hair? We got matching highlights last year when we went on a tour in Las Vegas."

"Wow, that must've been fun! It's nice to meet you all," Hailey greeted politely. She noticed Zander out of the corner of her eye, who had strangely gone still, and nudged him lightly. His eyes were fixed on an autumn haired male with sunny eyes, who was talking to a shorter fuchsia haired girl.

"Zander," she elbowed him this time, trying to conceal the smirk tugging at her lips. "C'mon, the Kalopsia needs someone to be their waiter for tonight."

"Wait - huh, me?" he snapped his head up. "But I thought you -"

"Go!" she shoved him forward, and he stumbled. Still, he went reluctantly, throwing her a knowing look in the process. Hailey chuckled to herself, but the amusement was soon washed off her face as the doors opened once more and a less welcoming group strided in.

"Oh look who it is, what a surprise," the magenta hair sneered.

"Who are you talking about, Drew?" a familiar green eyed teenager looked up from her phone, and at once, her face broke out into a smirk.

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