Royal Rumble Brings Good Tidings, But Elimination Chamber Brings Sorrow.

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Two weeks from Royal Rumble and things couldn't have been better for me and Cassie
We both retained our titles the past couple weeks.  But it wasn't our in ring life that was changing. It was our personal life that was going through some serious changes as two weeks before Royal Rumble she told me the best news as since we got back from Australia. Because the previous week she would disappear into the bathroom every morning.

So one morning, before going to the arena's gym we went to the emergency room then were transferred to an obstetricians office.
Cassie was nervous while we waited in the obstetricians office.
"Babe, I'm nervous." Cassie said.
"Don't worry my love. Whatever it is we'll get through it. Together. Like we promised each other at our wedding." She calmed down and snuggled close to my chest.

The doctor soon came in and we waited with baited breath as to what the results were of the tests when we came into the emergency room.
"Well the results of your blood test among other things, Mrs. Boyce, you are pregnant." She said.
Cassie and me had a mile wide smile on both our faces. "That's the best news we've heard to start the year." I said.
"Well congratulations on the impending arrival. Now you'll have to make the first ultrasound appointment then the second which will be the six week appointment where we know the gender of the baby. And possibly how many your having." She smiled at me and Cassie.
"We will" Cassie smiled as we made our way to the receptionists desk and we made the appointments.

When Rumble arrived,
Cassie smiled as she had told most of the women's locker room that she was pregnant. So naturally, every woman on every roster knew she was pregnant. So when the Women's Rumble came up, she was confident that they would take it easy on her. She entered the Rumble at number 18 and was eliminated by Asuka as Charlotte Flair, number 27 was on her way to the ring.
She grinned as she came into the locker room and had a pretty wide smile on her face.
"I see someone's happy with her performance in the Women's Rumble." I grinned as I kissed her.
"I am. And I'm sad that you won't be in the Men's Rumble, but I am happy you're defending your Intercontinental Championship." She grinned as she changed into casuals.
"It's okay baby." I said as I got on my knees and kissed her stomach. And laid my head on it and smiled as I heard the baby's and her heart beat. "Mmm, that sound can calm me down at anytime." Cassie smiled and giggled.
"Your going to be a great daddy baby." She kissed her fingers and placed them on my cheek.
"And your going to be an amazing mommy." I told her. I headed out to my Intercontinental Championship defense as she rubbed her stomach and watched my match on the monitor.

I was in the ring  and watched as Sami Zayn entered the ring. Once the introductions were made and the bell rang. We went at each other like a couple of pit bulls.

36 minutes into the match...
Sami went for a double axe handle off the top only to get a Drifters Road in midair. I went for the cover and got the win.
I helped Sami to his feet and raised his hand in a show of respect.

When I got checked out by the trainer and he found nothing broken or two bruised too bad. I went to me and Cassie's locker room then prepped to leave the arena for the hotel. I noticed that Cassie was bothered by something.
"Baby. What's the matter?" I asked.
Cassie smiled as she lied by saying, "It's nothing honey."
"Alright baby." I wanted to ask again. But I knew she'd get angry at me. And besides. We had three weeks of vacation coming for our honeymoon. And we decided to go to Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley in Park City, Utah for our honeymoon. We booked a two and a half week stay. And she's looking forward to it. Two and a half weeks of romantic walks, hikes, massages, etc. Not to mention the absolute breathtaking views of the mountains and trees.
When we were ready to leave we headed to Jessie's locker room and she was all ready to go. When we got to the hotel we headed to our hotel room as Jessie went to hers.
I cooked dinner for me and Cassie as we didn't really have anything in catering. After dinner, I washed, dried and put away the dishes as Cassie headed to the bathroom to prepare for bed. I smiled as she came in sweats and a loose shirt.
"You look so good baby." I said.
"Thank you, honey." She pulled me into the bedroom and onto the bed with her. "I'm looking forward to our honeymoon."
"As am I baby." I grinned as I kissed her lips then settled into bed holding her close and gently rubbing her stomach, she and I chuckled and giggled as the baby kicked every few seconds. We soon fell asleep and when the sun came up the next morning  woke up to no Cassie and smiled as I saw her on the balcony. I slowly got up and approached her from behind and wrapped my arms around her. But she jumped until she looked up at me and relaxed. "Baby, something wrong?"
Cassie sighed, "Ron has been harassing me. Non-stop since we got back from Australia."
"Is he threatening you, honey?" I asked.
"If he is I'm ignoring it." She leaned back into me. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner baby."
I hugged her tightly against my chest. "How brave of you ignoring his possible threats, and it's okay, but if he contacts you again. Tell me right away. But for the next two and a half weeks. We are going to be treated like royalty. Well at least as much as Utah allows." Cassie smiled.
"We should go unplugged.  No cellphones just what the cabin has for TV  and newspapers being the only things we watch or read." She suggested.
"Okay." I grinned.

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