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the moonlight lit the dark streets as jihoon walked. he didn't forget what happened earlier. his hood was up and he hurriedly walked on the sidewalk. somehow finding hyunsuk's address, his face was filled with hatred.

he held a bag on his shoulder with his footsteps echoing throughout the silent streets.

arriving at his destination, jihoon heavily plopped his bag onto hyunsuk's porch. putting his hands onto the doorbell, he repeatedly rang it.

hyunsuks voice rang throughout the entire house, causing jihoon to smirk. "yah! who is here at 3am?!" he yelled, approaching the door.

hyunsuk opened it, regretting what he did.


jihoon stood above hyunsuks body covered in blood. he wiped his face and proceeded to put his gloves in the plastic bag.

he had already prepared a suicide note. he made the body look as if it was a suicide, and jihoon smiled sadistically. grabbing pill bottles, he scattered the pills around hyunsuk and cut certain parts of his body.

his work was done, and he could finally come home to his beloved girlfriend.


park jihoon arrived home at 5am in the morning. not wanting to wake y/n up, he walked in through the door silently not expecting his girlfriend to be sitting at the couch with coffee in her hands.

"jihoon-ah..where were you? i wokeup and you weren't next to me.." she mumbled, hurt filling her words. he looked at her softly before y/n looked at him.

her eyes widened.

he was covered in red patches of blood. "jihoon! are you okay? what happened?" she rushed to him, his eyes widening as well.

he forgot to change out of his clothes.

sensing it was too late now, y/n dropped her cup, the glass shattering everywhere. "j-jihoon, who did this to you?" y/n checked his body for any cuts or bruises.

he only smiled maniacally. "i did it. for you, y/n."

her jaw dropped.


"i killed that bastard. he wouldn't stop staring at you with love in his eyes. and i hated it. i hated it!" he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall.

lightning and thunder was heard outside while raindrops were pouring heavily. tears dropped down her face. "y-you wouldn't! jihoon..tell me this is a prank. tell me you're kidding! you're kidding, right?"

he cupped her cheek. "those girls and boys who went missing..every single one of them. are gone. they are gone."

"d-did you do it?"

jihoon sadistcally smiled as he pulled her face closer to hers.
"you're a monster!" she yelled, pushing him away from her. "i did this for you. for us," he pulled her against him. she backed away from his embrace.

"tell me you love me, y/n." he took steps forward while she took steps backward.

the loud thunder shook the house causing the girl to scream. "i will never love you." she yelled, making the boy grab her in frustration.

and before she knew it, she dropped to the ground.

jihoon smiled.

he swallowed pills as he saw her body lay flat in her own blood.

"we were always meant to be.

forever and ever."

and so he held her in his arms, the two slowly dying.



PSYCHO. ↠ P. JIHOONWhere stories live. Discover now