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"Fuck Jungkook, marry Jimin, and kill Taehyung."


You wet your lips and smirk. "Jungkook's good for putting a woman to sleep, Jimin's the sort of person you can live with peacefully, and Taehyung's just a friend."

"No," Jennie groans, rolling around her bed. "That's so obvious. Try harder."

You laugh and sit up on the chaise lounge you just helped move into her room. "Okay, Jungkook has some of the best dick I've ever felt, but the fact that he's dating my employee means he's definitely out of the running."

"You could always marry then divorce later when you're sick of him."

You shake your head and frown. "I'd rather just fuck."

"Okay," she giggles. "Jimin?"

"I'd marry him," you croon, "and I'd never ask for anything. Somehow, he knows exactly what I need. No matter how impossible it may seem, he'll have it done before sundown."

Jennie stifles her squeals with both hands and bounces on her knees. "If you don't snag him first, I swear I will."

"Never," you assert, becoming more serious. "I think I really will marry him one day."

Jennie falls back on the mattress and kicks the air. "No fair! I've fallen in love with him first."

You jump atop her and laugh. "No one said anything about love. Anyway, we didn't talk about Taehyung."

"You want to kill him anyway."

You hit her with a pillow and lay beside her after an episode of epic laughter, staring up at the blank ceiling to catch your breaths. "He said I'm his best friend, and I've never been so happy to be friendzoned before."

She rolls her head to the side to look at you. "What's wrong with you?"

"I didn't move to Seoul to find some big love in a big city. I came here for business."

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," she says, tickling your belly.

You hit her with the pillow again. "Good thing my name isn't Jack."

She picks up another pillow and fights back until you knock each other over and surrender to ab-aching cachinnation. "Settle down with Jimin," she wheezes.

"One day."

"I mean right now. Like, call him today and tell him he's the one."


She props herself up on her elbow and leans over you. "Because he fits you just right."

"I can't just do something like that without thinking about it first."

"Don't tell me you haven't thought about it."

"I haven't."

"Liar!" she shrieks, attacking you with a pillow again.

You tear it away and toss it to the floor. "Jennie, listen to me," you say sternly. "I don't think I'm ready. I'll hurt him because I haven't healed yet."

She simmers down and shakes your arms. "My friend, he can heal you."

"He's not Jesus Christ," you cackle. "And I doubt he's as forgiving."

"I don't want you to miss your chance," she sighs. "When you talk about him, your cheeks give a beautiful color and you get so excited to share every little detail. I don't think you realize how much you talk about him."

You pause and reflect on the lengthy dialogues regarding the rooftop date and the night at the hotel. Yeah, you've talked about it a bunch. "I just don't want to mess it up."

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