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You don't want to wake up in the mornings; you just want to lay in bed with Jimin. He smells like nectarines and honey. He tastes like it, too. You could waste away in his arms and you'd consider it a life well-lived. Has it been two weeks already? Three? You've stopped counting the days, secretly hoping it'll never end.

You shower together, pick each other's outfits, and stuff a strawberry into his mouth as he ties your boots on bended knee. He's sweet like that. You do your makeup as he makes the bed, and he fingers your curls so that they frame your face in the best way possible. You grab his face and kiss him softly. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his chest.

"I like you so much," he whispers. "So much."

He always reminds you of his affections. Your lips spread into a pleasant smile. "I like you more." You lay your head on his shoulder and inhale the airy scent of his cologne while tracing the cable knit pattern down his back. "I like this sweater."

"I know. You always run your fingers over the pattern," he says. He even notices little things like that. "But don't you like my skin more?"

You pull away and laugh. "I've been late to work too many times already." He has a way of luring you back to bed with a web of words and a couple kisses. "I'll touch your skin later."

He lifts you onto the dresser and eats you out until you beg for mercy and promise to be back by dinnertime to feed him again. He's got a filthy mouth for a fine man. "Keep it wet," he demands, licking your thighs as he retreats from your ruins, "and think of me." You can barely hear his words over the beating of your own heart. You just nod and admire his delicate brown eyes as he helps you down.

At work, the girls accuse you of acting differently. You smile and wave away their thoughts, blaming it on a change in the weather although the winter chill hasn't left the city yet. That's how much warmer your world is with Jimin in it.

As you take inventory, Yoonki holds the store phone out to you with a worried look. "Jungkook," she whispers. "What if Lisa picked up the phone?" Then all hell might've broken loose, but luckily she didn't.

You walk the phone to a corner. "Hello?"

"Y/N, is your phone broken?"

You furrow your brows. "No."

"Why haven't you answered my texts or calls? The only way to reach you is by calling your store."

What could be so urgent? "You have me right now."

"I miss you," he says.

You can't deny it—Jungkook still turns you on, but you're with Jimin now. You haven't labeled your relationship or fully given in to the idea of something so serious, but each day you try harder to be a better woman for him. "You just miss the way I feel. Forget it."

"Why are you doing this to me?" he pleads. "Did everything mean nothing?"

You grind your teeth and gulp. "It meant a lot to me," you admit. "But I found someone I really like and I'm focusing on that from now on."

He falls silent on the other side except for his labored breaths. He's either choking on tears or fuming with rage. "I'll stop by at closing time," he says calmly and hangs up before you can tell him not to.

You lean against the wall and quietly wail. Of course he isn't taking it well, and you understand why. After all, you felt all the same amazing things, but you've accepted it can't last forever. It'll be even harder to end things face-to-face.

You make plans to dash home before Jungkook's visit but you get caught up with a plumbing issue at the last minute. The pipes begin to freeze over as another snowfall nears, so you turn up the temperature on the thermometer and investigate the slow trickle of water from the faucet. You trust the pipes to fully thaw overnight, so you head out—but not fast enough.

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