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With great power comes great responsibility. The new shop's shocking success has resulted in a massive amount of daily orders and exciting visits from influencers and professional models. You're busier than ever and achieving your dream with each favorable promotion and fancy sale. But, on this particular day, fatigue and unrest finally catch up to you.

Wandering outside, you come across a shining taproom and slip inside, making yourself comfortable at the far end of the busy bar. You don't have time to sip pretty cocktails and pick apart the flavors of fruits and herbs, so you order an armory of tequila and chase it with a mug of beer until the bartender suggests you have a glass of water instead. You have a better idea, though.

"Jungkook?" you slur into the phone.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

"Am I okay? How could I be okay? You ruined me."

"Ah, I'm sorry about that," he apologizes. "I got carried away."

"And Jimin—how could you hurt him? He didn't deserve that."

"I was hurt, too. I know now that I was wrong but, at the time, it felt right."

You hum and let the room spin around you for a few seconds. "You did all of that just to end up with Lisa again."


"That same night."


"I hate you."


"I really hate you," you continue. "You don't get to be happy after what you did to me. You should be sad. You should be the one alone at a bar and repenting for what you did. You should be here."

"Do you want me to come to you?"

You sway in your seat to some moody melody that exists only in your head. "No, I want Jimin."

"Okay," he says quietly. "Okay, you'll get him."

"What—" The line clicks and you whisper harshly under your breath, "That asshole."

You lean against your palm and doze off, dreaming of the Jimin you met in the fitting room. He was confident, flirty, and handsomely dressed. Then you remember the thoughtful Jimin who listened to your stories in the middle of the night while the rest of the city slept. And, of course, you can't forget the Jimin who hurt you back because he was angry and humiliated. You did that to him. You fucked up everything good you ever had.

You lay against the counter with your head on your arms and plan to take a quick nap. You haven't yet decided if you'll call a taxi or sober up and drive yourself home. Next thing you know, you're being lifted from the stool. You turn around but your head beats you to it and you stagger into a cloud of dizziness.

"I've got you," Jimin whispers in your ear. He crouches and pulls your legs over his lower back, forcing you into a piggyback ride.

You rest your head against his shoulder and hum. This feels like a new side of him. "Which Jimin is this? The hero?"

"Do you know any other Jimin?" he asks.

You laugh to yourself and inhale his heavenly scent. "No, I only know you." He dumps you into his car, reclines the seat, and fastens your safety belt. "For a Porsche, this is mighty uncomfortable," you complain. He chuckles and drives away from the bar. "Where are we going?"

"My place, unless you tell me your address," he hints.

You shake your head and slur, "My place is my place. You're not allowed to come over."

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