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I love this ⬆️
I also never thank you for 95 followers!
So Thank you! <3

Mae's pov

We hadn't even ventured five minutes down the road before my phone rang again. I sighed and Rafe tried to hold back a chuckle at the ringtone once more.

"If you laugh at my ringtone one more time... I will blitz you in the next standing class quiz" I threatened a slight smirk emerging on my lips as his upturned lips quickly drop away.

I was very thankful when the caller ID showed 'Kate' instead of 'Mum'. Therefore I happily answered with a smile and popped it onto to speaker phone knowing this was going to be a fun conversation.

"Holy shit Mae! Annabelle is pissed!" Katelyn loudly exclaimed in utter disbelief.

"Yes, yes. I did listen from my window" she quickly added on just for reference. It came as no surprise to me that she listened in as I would have totally done the same.

"I know. Kate, I'm going to-" I began.

"Ask for a favour? Already sorted Milli! Got your sleepover week bag still here from the end of summer break." Katelyn cut me off sounding so proud to have this all settled whilst overly excitedly using my middle name as a nickname.

I must admit I felt very happy to have s friend like Katelyn who had everything sorted for me even if it was just a lucky coincidence situation.

Rafe leaned over towards where I held the phone having a question of his own to ask.

"Hey Kate! It's Rafe here maybe you could drop that off later at night to avoid her parents following you?" Rafe asked very politely and used 'Kate' instead of 'Katelyn'. I grinned giddily as I watched my boyfriend and best friend becoming friends themselves. It would be a perfect moment if we weren't planning to escape my parents.

"Is that something they would do?" He whispered to me questioning his logic.

"They would follow" I answered reassuring Rafe and his assumption.

"Yeah sure!" Katelyn chirped - all happy - into the phone.

I had left that bag so long ago that I forgot what clothes were in it, would it even be warm enough to wear those summer clothes?

"Kate, what did I leave in the bag?" I asked curiously keeping the phone on speaker.
I heard her tussling through the bag to find the answers for me.

"A cute tennis skirt... looks a lot like mine.. EW! Mae why do you still have those old converses!" She chatted smoothly through the phone letting all her thoughts out.

"Navy blue crew neck, oohh a black crop top, nearly missed that! General toiletries, socks... your little something-something in red" she said cheekily a blush creeping onto my face at our girl code.

Rafe just furrowed his eyebrows having absolutely no idea what that stood for as his eyes scanned the road ahead.
I took the phone off speaker before I spoke lifting it up to my ear.

"Thank you, Katelyn...but I won't be needing that something-something in red"

I heard her sigh on the other end and I could just see her pursing her lips together in a pout.

"You only get so many chances Mae and your youth is fading" she spoke as if she was a teacher trying to give me some guidance on a topic I didn't know.

"Kate, not yet." was the only answer I could think to give her as my eyes darted across the Rafe. Butterflies filled my stomach and a small huff of breath left my lips at his appearance; which I hadn't fully taken in after we left my parents.

His hair was all messy — more sexily ruffled if anything — whilst small beads of sweat had gathered underneath his jawline and down his neck. The jawline so sharp it seemed to cut off my oxygen supply and when the light him through the passing palm trees he shone.

That's when I lowered my eyes from the brightness where they landed on his chest. The button on his polo shirt had come undone when my father gripped his collar. There was now a small gap in which I could see his tanned skin which lead to the lovely Rafe Cameron physique.

Gosh, I hoped it was the sun which was making me hot but my brain knew otherwise.
I watched as he started to feel my gaze linger on him as he turned his head towards me.

My lips were parted and eyes seemingly lost in him, even more so when his bright blue ones met mine. He raised an eyebrow as I subconsciously hung up on Katelyn - who I hadn't been listening to for the past few minutes.

"W-What?" He stammered slightly as laugh fell from his lips seeing me so 'captivated'.
I swallowed my mouth dry as I thought about the road my brain and body wanted me to lead down. I hastily pushed it aside and gave myself the same words I gave Katelyn - 'not yet'

"Oh... I just realised I don't have any pyjamas" I blatantly lied through my teeth peeling my eyes away from Rafe. He gave a curious half chuckle not fully believing my lie as we exited the vehicle.

"I'll find you something" he reassured me whilst following my lie. I gave a small smile as he walked me into there ginormous house once again. No matter how many times you see the Cameron house, it just keeps getting bigger!

"Thanks, Cameron." I said as he lead me up the stairs to where I assumed the spare bedroom would be. However my eyebrows furrowed when he lead me right past it towards his bedroom.

"Rafe?" I questioned softly as he opened the door to his room. He looked back at me our finger intertwined as he gave me that sweet smirk.

"Mae?" He questioned back raising his own eyebrows as he walked backwards into his room tugging me with him. That's when I was reminded of the window seat which was in view behind him. Yet, Rafe hadn't stopped to get any blankets or spare sheets from any closet.

"Do you have sheets or blankets for the window seat?" I bluntly asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows even more at the question his smirk slipping from his face in confusion.

"The window seat...?" He wondered ro himself taking a glance over his shoulder into the room. His thumb ran across the back of my hand as tried to connect the dots.

His mouth hung slightly open in a smile when he turned back to me, it seemed as if he was trying not laugh. I smiled back dazed with one eyebrow raised waiting for my answer.

"Mae...Mae... Minnie Mae" he drawled pulling me forward to his side before slinging his arm around my shoulders. I nearly squealed at the sudden move, not expecting it one little bit.

"Cameron?" I replied swinging my own arm around his shoulder, however high it is. He gave a light chuckle at my actions before lowering his head down to mine.

"Your sleeping in my bed M&M's, do you prefer the left or the right? Or me?"

Chapter Done!
So what's did you all think of this chapter?
As always please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Love you all,
Laya <3

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