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Holy Moly!!
75K reads!! You guys are incredible!!
I cannot believe this. I thank you all for the support and patience with my irregular updating habits as I try to navigate life.

I also want to apologize as I feel my last chapter wasn't up to my usual standard because overall I got a bit excited writing it!
I would just like to know if it was well-received or if I wrote something people didn't like? And I usually don't focus on the amount of reads per chapter but a lot of people seemed to drop off the face of the earth so... that is what has prompted me to ask if I have offended somebody in some way?

Anyways enjoy the next chapter
Laya <3

Mae's pov

"I bloody well hope you are ready to talk" Rafe stated with a disbelieving chuckle as I blushed.

"Rafe...." I half heartedly warned him as I couldn't fight down the smile which curled onto my lips.

"Sorry, M&M's" he said as his chuckle faded and he grew serious once more. I opened my mouth to speak let it spill all out but I knew I was gonna sound so stupid but it was what I thought and now I have to own up to it.

"Can we sit down for this?" I ask as he nods in silent agreement as we head to the shore.

I sit down first with a heavy sigh and curl my knees up to my chest. Rafe sat close beside me, leaning back on his hands.

"I....I thought that once the words I love you left my mouth that.... " I began flicking my gaze from my lap out to the ocean as I tried to find a way to put it which wouldn't make me sound like a complete idiot.

"God, I'm about to sound so stupid" I admitted and brought a hand up to rub my temple, the feeling of a stress headache beginning.

"Wouldn't be the first time" Rafe quietly joked making my head whip back around to him with a gasp. I gave him a playful slap to his shoulder as my lips continue to stay parted. 

"You're lucky I like you" I tried to remain serious but a laugh did escape my mouth as Rafe quirked an eyebrow upwards. I took a moment to gather myself before continuing, my gaze turning back to the ocean.

"I thought that in some twisted way that we'd have to have sex.... that's what society says. That once you say the word love you....you make it." I confessed, my sentences breaking into bits as I tried to get the words out.

"My brain went into overdrive and I felt as if it's what I owed you....." I said shaking my head at myself as I fought down the lump in my throat.

"Mae...." Rafe begun sitting up from his leaned back stature to meet me.

"...but I'm not ready for that, not all of it-" I started but was swiftly cut off by Rafe.

"I don't want to even put my hands on you if it makes you uncomfortable. I meant it when I said I wouldn't pressure you. I hope you haven't felt pressured? " he interjected his last statement more of a question.

 His hand reached to settle on top of mine, but then he hesitated unsure on whether he should considering our current conversation. I reached out and grabbed his hand giving him a reassuring look as I intertwined our fingers.

"You haven't made me feel pressured. I made myself feel pressured today, after lunch, to move faster with it all" I tried explain my head tilting left and right as I spoke, trying to find the right words. I really didn't want him to think that he had made any bad choice with me and how he treated me. In all honesty, my imagination and tendency to worry got away on me. Gosh, it basically went country hopping how far it got away on me.

𝐍𝐨 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 ♛ ͏r͏a͏f͏e ͏c͏a͏m͏e͏r͏o͏nWhere stories live. Discover now