Nightmare And His Demons (18)

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(A/N: warning, this chapter has, mentions of tortur, if you feel uncomfortable with, this then, you might wanna sit this chapter out)

(21/3/2010  ??:??)

(Cross pov)

It's been a while since....nightmare left, well to be honest i dont really know how long it's been, since there isn't Any Windows or clocks, and I Dont have my phone on me, they probably tolk it, befor putting Me in here. Nightmare left the light on befor he left, so at lest i can see. But if i have to be honest, im scard. Ofcours i dont show it, because there was always something about nightmare that made it seem like the opposite of dream, he hates or gets sick from possibility and injoys negativity, so i try to stay positive, but, knowing that....the reason im here is because off, my abilitys, just makes it harder to focuse on the positive.

And worse is that dream and the others most be really worried because they havent heard from Me and....3 of them where when i got kiddnaped. I feel tarable about not being able to help, but I feel Even worse knowing that I was the reason they attacked the others, god why did I desided to become friends with a demon!?. If i hadnt they this all could of been avoided....but...i overheard Some of the others talking to night about, that they might have finally found what they where looking for, which just makes it seem like Even if i didn't become friends with nightmare, it would have come crashing down at Me at Some point in my life.

Sometimes i...wish i never had these dumb powers, there useless Anyways....right?... Jesus why do I Even dout that, ofcours my powers are useless it's just a fucking curse!. God so much for staying positive. But I guess No one can stay positive in a situation like this. I bring my knees up to my chest and hug my knees, it was a little Hard, because of the chains.
I didn't cry, because it's a waist of time too.

It felt like forever when i hear foot steps, i let go of my legs and let them Fall to the ground agen, there was a silent crack as they hit the ground, i look up and my gaze turns to a glare as I see, one of nightmare's, 'friends', i found out that they all are Demons, and it's also been kinda Hard to keep my eye coverd up. Because they check on me around 2 or 3 times a Day, so it might not sound like it's Hard, but when you have No sence of time and they come at random, it's Hard to let it get a break. I still dont really know there names and the only person who knows my name, that i know of, is nightmare.

The person that came just kinda looked, at Me and then stood by the door, sometimes they would do this more then once but most of the 'extra visits' where when they where in a bad mood, and since they where Demons they didn't......well most of the time.....cry, and when they did I felt bad for them. Most of the time when they would cry they would just start blurting out there problems, most likely forgeting that im in this cell, and there was one, demon other then nightmare, that got a little close to me, and hes also the only demon i know for sure what there name was.

His name was killer, he never gave me his last name, but he mostly asked  me about dream and how he was doing, it tolk a while for Me too actually finde out that, he was a good demon, well 'good' in the eyes of a demon, he knew dream, and made it warry clear not to tell nightmare about the fakt he know dream. Ofcours he didn't know his current whereabouts but he missed him, and the only reason he was sent to help nightmare was because they thought he had begon to become soft, and they might have been right about that.

From what i knew about Demons, most of them here could be called 'soft', Me and killer when we became closer he told Me that, hes sin wasnt actually his, he was Framed for murder and was exacuted in prison, and because the Gates of the mid couldnt see he was innocent, so the sendt him to hell, after he told Me that....i kinda felt sorry for him, ofcours i didn't let him come too close, after what happened with nightmare i didn't want it to happen agen with killer.
Killer also told Me all there names:

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