Close Call (4)

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~4/3 2010 9:30am~

(cross pov)

I hear the sound of beeping to my left telling Me it was time to wake op and start my day, thoug i had been awake sens 5:44 am, i had a nightmare... agen.

This one was like the others but had a stange unfamelier sens to it like a part of Me had foragten and that this was something New, but Nope i had seen this one befor thoug it was sligtly deffrindt sens this time i wake up befor He started his "reshetch" so i didn't have to relive that hell of the pain agen.

I stretch my body, making my stif joints pop with a craking sound that sent a smal chill down my spine, i gat op and tolk a long warm shower, befor making breakfast, i was in my white t-shirt and black shorts that i used as pj's, i was bord thoug who could blame Me i am a freaking demon tamer ther is probably a freaking baunty on my freaking head.

I sigh letting go of the thought of being i the clutches of a demon i could not tame, a shiver when down my spine as I left to whas my plate befor going up and getting change in my normal atier.

I desided that i was just going on a walk around town, to try and end this never ending bordniss but also because i ran out of chocolate last night so i need to reastolk my choco surply.

As I lock my front door i feel slitely like im being watchd, which was a feeling that i had not felt in a long time befor i start my walk i focused all my energy to remove the pentagram in my red eye.
I then go to the park and find a tree with a good looking place to set, i sat down at the trounk of the tree, my body being engolfted in shadows, as the air became a little colder.

As I was abute to fall asleep, when i hear the overly energetik voice of a tiny blue skeleton i know warry well and befor i can react i was tackle-huggede making the back of my skulle hit the trunk of the tree. "ow what the-blue what have i told you?" i say to blue as he releses Me from the bearhug "sorry cross i just got alittle bit to existed...ha...ha"blue awnsers giving an awkward laugh in the end."blue *huf* dont just *huf* run of like that" an out of breath ink seid, dream caim abit after also out of breath but not as moutch as ink.

I look at the over existed blue and the to sweaty skeletons that looked like they had just ran after a car that was going 30 mph and trying to keep up with it.i just give the a look that seid 'wtf happened to you two'. Ink seemd to chatch my look he tolk afew deep breaths just to calm down abit befor looking at Me with a little bit of guilt in his eyes making Me worried " dream accidentally gave blue suger this his hyperemesis is throug the rufe" ink looked down avoiding my gace, i look at dream hes face only shoud guilt and regreat.

I get up and give the two guilty skeleys a hug not soon after they hug back and blue joind making it a group hug, thoug it still feelt like i was being watchd it had gaten a little bit more present and it sent a small almost unnoticeable chill down my spin thug dream semd to knowtis. "hey cross you ok, are you really cold in this heat it's like 20° out her?" dream asked i just nodden in respons 'No need for them to be worried' i sigh then an idear came to mind "hey wanna hang out?" i asked, blue semed to get Even more hyper if that was Even possible. "yah sure we gate nothing better to do Anyway" ink awnserd dream and blue nodded to.

"great then it's seteld, sooooo wher do we go?" i asked Bothe blue, ink and dream lookd like ther thinking,"Well we can't go to our house we have gest that are staing ther, because ther house burnd down so how about we go to your's" ink seid looking at Me "sure my house is A little bit messy but ok" we started to walk to my house 'i gess i will just have to get chocolate later '.

~time skip~

We wher at my front door now and after i unlooked the door we went in to my mes of a house. "You really didn't Lie abute your messy house" dream seid counsernd looking around the house, i just nodded and went in to the Kitchen "do you guys want anything to drink or eat?" i called from the Kitchen "No thanks on the food but Tea would be Nice right now" came the voice of dream, ink also wanted Tea and blue did not want anything, i start to boial the water, when i feel a small sens of pain in my red eye it was ther but not unbarabol.

The Demon Tamer (multiship Fanfic) Original? (Unfinished) Where stories live. Discover now