Chapter 1

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"Willow, just a bit farther. I can just feel it. We're about to stumble into the perfect spot for our shoot." I love Serena like a sister, but I swear to god if we don't find a place for the photo shoot in the next five minutes I am going to make her carry me the rest of the way. We've been wandering around this forest for twenty minutes already and my feet are killing me. She's lucky I knew this would happen and came prepared wearing an outfit suitable for a hike.

I'm not a professional model by any means, but Serena always manages to rope me into these photo shoots. We met in our sophomore year of college and just clicked. She's practically my sister, though no one mistakes us as siblings due to our different nationalities. I'm white, of Polish descent, with long wavy caramel colored hair, and light brown eyes. Serena is a darks skinned woman, her family hails from Nigeria. She keeps her hair buzzed, saying she has no interest in trying to tame it. We've been best friends ever since she roped me into being the subject of her portfolio. I never liked being the center of attention, but Serena is great at making me feel comfortable and getting me out of my shell. I don't know what We'd do without each other. She likes to tell people I'm her muse. I know she's just got a short temper and can't stand when models waste her time. I'm the person she calls every time she's got a gig with her girlfriend's fashion boutique for their new lines. Natalia is their head designer and will be taking over ownership in a few years. Thank God for Natalia, her girlfriend of 4 years. Not only does she provide us with work, she also helps keep Serena in check.

Currently Serena is trying to find the perfect spot for our next photo shoot. She's a bit of a... well she calls herself perfectionist, I call her a nut job. She wants to find a place that is connected to nature, but doesn't feel isolated. She's hoping to find a cabin or house and to request to shoot on their land. As long as we don't get shot at for trespassing, I don't really mind. We've passed by two cabins already, but when I asked if either of them would work she muttered something about needing rustic but modern, elegant but subdued, and some other stuff that sounded like gibberish to me. I'm starting to think we'll have to continue our search tomorrow, but I should really know better than to doubt my best friend's blind luck. Serena seems pleased with herself as she exclaims, "Here. It's perfect." Breathing a sigh of relief I look around, and I can't help but agree with her. We've come across a garden that seems like something out of a movie. Delicately placed stepping stones and various pieces of furniture are the only evidence that this is not just another gorgeous part of the forest. Wildflowers litter the ground. There are a few actual flower beds up against the house as well.
We round to the front of the house so we can see if anyone is home. I can't tell right away because though the winding driveway is empty, there is also a garage attached to the house. Serena is enamored by the beauty of the house which I would describe as more of a log mansion than a log cabin, but the thing that catches my eye as we near the front of the gorgeous home is movement in one of the windows. I notice a blond blur scurrying by. As we reach the porch I am about to knock when the door swings open and we are greeted by a gorgeous blond bombshell who seems to be about 5'4", makings her two inches shorter than me. Before anyone could get a word in edgewise she rushes out; "Sorry I was excited, I don't meet new people very often. Especially not women. I'm going a bit stir crazy here. I'm sorry. I'm standing here telling you my life story on the front porch, please come in." This woman is definitely a character we haven't even exchanged names and she's inviting us in. The inside of the house is just as gorgeous as its exterior.
"Thank you for allowing us in your beautiful home. I'm Serena in this is my best friend and model, Willow. We were scouting locations for a photo shoot and stumbled across your stunning home. Would you mind if we use your property for our shoot? It should be about a five day process and it would just be us and my girlfriend, Natalia who's clothing we will be displaying." And with that Serena handed the girl her business card and the boutique's card as well.
"Oh of course you can that would be amazing. I absolutely adore fashion. Oh and I apologize, my name is Annie. I get excited and manners go out the window."
Suddenly in business mode, Annie continues, "I will need your permission for my husband to have background checks done on each of you, before I allow you to wander about the property. I technically should not have even opened the door for you, but I had a good feeling about today, and I didn't want to let an opportunity pass by."
This time I spoke up, "The background checks are understandable, but I request that besides you, your husband, and the person running the check, no one else has access to the files, I don't want a bunch of strangers knowing my personal information. I'm a very private person."
Annie looks thoughtful for a second, then responds, "Of course, I wouldn't like that either. I promise confidentiality. Scout's honor."
"You were a Girl Scout?" asks Serena. Annie bursts out laughing, "Oh no, I always hated after school activities as a kid. I preferred going home and forcing my family to entertain me."

We all laughed, and continued chatting. We learned that Annie is 26, a year older than us, and that she lives in this house with her husband and her twin brother, who work together. This house belonged to her parents, and when they decided it was time for them to downsize, they let their kids have it for half of its selling price. Her husband is working today while her brother is on a business trip, which is why she's the only one home. She reassured us that they have a killer security system, and a revolver, just in case there are any intruders. She invited us to stop by to meet her husband tomorrow so we could tie up any loose ends, and so he'd feel more at ease with the people who will be on his property for the next week. We planned to start the shoot in two days after the background checks were settled.

We left before it got too dark for us to find our way back to the car, and went back to our apartment feeling accomplished and anxious for tomorrow.

Riders of Eden Book #1: Griffin's WillowWhere stories live. Discover now