part I

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It is a beautiful sunny morning though the sun shine is less compared to a warrior who is  fighting with five soldiers at a time .
Unknown to him he was watched by two powerful warriors both of them smiling seeing this young warrior
Two powerful warriors who were none other than  Balaram, a mace fighter and Sri Krishna, the lord of Dwaraka
Suddenly Balaram(B) smile turns into a frown which is  noticed by krishna (M)
M:why the frown my dear brother
B: you know why
Seeing krishna lack of response Balaram continue
B: the person who is fighting there who is the son of your best friend and beloved of your beloved friend and the son of my dearest sister is the reason kanha
M: your dearest sister......(with a heavy heart)
B:yes my dearest sister kanha
M:yes your dearest sister's son what about him
B: my sister is in full of pain who is once filled with joy kanha. she loves him so much more than anything  in this world but the son of your friend is dedicated to his father's first wife and not even sparing a glance to his blood mother why kanha.
Krishna didn't reply anything just standing there with a blank face
B :well who am I asking the person who always ignores the one who loves him immensely my mistake but I can't bear this pain kanha no matter what .I won't forgive you for this
By telling this he left from there
At that time,
The warrior won by making the five fall on the ground.
By seeing this a lone tear escaped from Krishna's face
Krishna smiles and says
M: You don't know dau  No one can separate a mother and son not even the god himself dau
He is Saubhadreya and always will be .
By saying this he went away from there.

To dear readers,
        Tell me how it is ?
Should I continue or not ?
Please comment.

With lots of love,
Your sakhi,

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