part 2

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In Dwaraka in the common chamber,
Krishna (M), Balaram (B), Revathi (Rv), Rukmini (Rk), Satyabhama (Sb), Jambavathi(Jb) were there.
B: pitashree asked us to come to Mathura to attend the Narayan pooja.
M:in two weeks Pandavas exile will get finished
B:I know you will tell this. I can't go there as well I have duties in Dwaraka
Jb: you're asking us to go there dau
B:Any one of you will be fine.
Rv : we can't go there we have so much of duties here.
Rk suddenly get some idea:why don't we ask Subhadra to go there
B:but ...
Rv:yes I think it will be good for her also I  don't want her to stay here in this time.
B:yes it will be good for her
Sb:it will be good for Draupadi too as she is going through so much she don't have to think about her co wife at this time
Balram, Rukmini, Revathi, Jambavathi everyone glared at her.
Rk:it will be good for Bhargavi and Rochanagarba also they don't have to
Krishna cuts her
M:they are not going anywhere Arjun didn't see them from their birth and they didn't also see their father
Jb: but aryaa..
M:it will be good for everyone
B:fine. Dasi ask Subhadra to come here.
After some time,
Subhadra (S):dau you called me.
B: yes dear, pitashree asked us to go to Narayan pooja but everyone here are busy with something that's why I called you here
S(with a smile which always melts her brothers, father,mother's and her bhabhis): so you want me to go there dau
Rv:yes dear can you?
M:And also in two weeks Pandavas exile will get finished and obviously Rochanagarba and Bhargavi will be here to meet their father(he says this with a meaningful look)
S(thinks for some time and says): I will go there but you know about Bhargavi and Rochanagarba if they did anything
Rv:my Bhargavi and Rochanagarba won't do anything even if they do something no one is going to say anything to them
S: bhabhi ...
M:we will talk about this later bhadrey are you going there or not
S:yes but..
Rk: Pradyumna and Bhanu will also go with Arya when Pandavas finish their exile they will look after them bhadrey
S:then I will get ready
B: that's my poorna go and get ready you will start your journey tomorrow pitashree will be waiting for you
S:yes dau I will (she looks at krishna) pranipat bratashree.
M: pranipat
She left from there.
Revathi, Jambavathi, Rukmini, Satyabhama also left from there.
Krishna sits there with a smile masking his pains
B: what happened kanha
M:dau you won't leave me right
M: you know what ,I always leave the one who loves me even the god has to go through the pain which is caused by the mere illusions of feelings of this world
B: you know what Subhadra and I love you more than anything and you know about that very well.
M: dau you were angry with me sometime before but now you are saying you love me
B: well I can't be angry with you for more than sometime right (with fake anger)
M: dau you are the best, first I was so happy in my child hood and then I left radha yashoda  maiya gopis and I lost my happiness then second our ladli behen came and filled our life with happiness which is not comparable to anything and then I left her too why?
B: everything for establishing righteousness kanha
K:yes I just wish I make her smile and take her in my arms and play with her like we do always when she was born
B:they were golden days but we have to do our duties ,she or radha both of them always want us to do our duties even it will hurt them they always love you just your name will be enough for their happiness and your mere smile will erase all of their sadness
M: but you know what will bring me happiness dau
B:yes I know, at the end of the day everything will be fine and everyone will return to their place.
M: I'm waiting for that day dau
Krishna hugs Balaram and says: day by day you are getting wise dau
Balram glares at him
Krishna get afraid and left from there before his dau do anything.
Balram just smiles and says now also I love your antics kanha which never cease to give peace to me.

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