part 3

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In the practicing arena,
The place was filled with the sounds of weapons .
Abhimanyu, Rochanagarba and upapandavas were now practicing the weaponry. Suddenly a maid came near upapandavas and Rochanagarba
Maid: pranipat Rajkumars. Rajkumari Subhadra asked all of you to go to her chamber now itself and she also told that your training for today is cancelled.
Prativindhya(Pv) :yes we will go can go.
By saying this everyone placed their weapon in a shelf but Abhimanyu(Abi) continued to practice   Rochanagarba (Rg) noticed this
Rg: bratashree didn't you hear what she said
Abi  glared at him . By seeing this
Sutasoma(Ss) :Abi come there na I'm really tired you know mata will give us tasty ladoos
Shatanika(Sn):yes come Abi otherwise you won't get any ladoos bratashree sutasoma will eaten everything by the time you arrive.
Ss(goes near Sn): you won't get anything today
Sn: sorry bratashree I'm just kidding
Pv:both of you stop it . Mata will be waiting for us. Abi come na
Abi: bratashree she asked you people to come not me.(he says with a blank face)

(Note: Abhimanyu and Subhadra will always wear a blank face whenever they talk with each other or about one another)
Story cont....
Srutakarma (Sk):how do you know about that abi
Abi: I won't leave my practice session. And I know she called only you don't ask me how
By saying this he started practicing.
Rg get hurt . Everyone tried everything to make them talk but none worked. They sighed together. then they started getting to the door
Suddenly the same maid came this time she went near Abhimanyu
Maid: pranipat Rajkumar. Rajkumari Subhadra asked you to come to her chamber when your training get finished
By saying this she went
Rg:see bratashree mata knows about you very well
Everyone nodded. Abhimanyu just stared at them
Sk: what my dear younger brother is saying na abi that mata also know that you love your training session so much
Abi: whatever, you people go I will come later.

In Subhadra's chamber,
Suthanu (St), Bhargavi (BV), upapandavas and Rochanagarba (Rg) everyone came
They are surprised to see their mother packing her dresses
St:mata what are you doing
Subhadra (S): everyone came.
Surasena(Sr):yes mata where are we going
S: not we but I . I have...
Sn: what
Rg: where
St:is there any problem
Pv: will you all stop this .if you can't give her time then how could she tell
Everyone shut their mouth
Pv:mata now tell us (with a sweet smile)
S: you know what prati you are the best
Everyone other than Pv : mataaaa....
S: don't start anything, yes, my every children are best.
Everyone goes and sits around her
S: you all know your grandfather vasudev who is now in mathura
Sk:yes mata
S:in Mathura there is going to be a Narayan pooja which will taken place once in 10yrs he asked us to go there
Rg:so we are going there
S:no I'm the only one who is going
Rg:why not us mata
S:well you all know in two weeks the exile is getting over your fathers and mother will be eagerly waiting to meet you all so you people are not coming with me.
By hearing this the colour in the face of Rg and Bv were drained . it is the first time they are going to meet their father unlike everyone
On the other hand upapandavas and suthanu get anxious it is almost 13years they didn't meet them
No one speak nothing so Subhadra continues
S: well aren't you happy with that
Everyone smiles other than Rochanagarba and Bhargavi suddenly they noticed them
St: but you can take Rochana and Bhagya with you na
Pv:no suthanu they have to meet choti bapa Arjun they didn't see each other.
S:yes they have to be here to meet their father and you both you should listen to your elders especially Bhagya you
Bhargavi: bua asked me to come to her chamber I'm going
S: Bhagya.....
BV: I will listen to my brothers and suthanu jiji only, I will say that only
S(smiles): that's enough and Rochanagarba and Bhagya you are not going to disturb any one of them here especially your brother Abhimanyu and your uncle krishna . I asked Pradyumna and Bhanu to take care of you even though both of them take care of each other got it.
Sk: there is no need of that of mata I will always be with Rochana and suthanu jiji will always be with Bhagya
S:no . you all not going to babysit them as you itself babies so you all will take care of yourself and they will take care of themselves
Sutasoma: I'm not a child
S: well you're to your Mata always
Pv: when are you starting your journey
S: tomorrow morning dear
Surasena: when will you come
S: the pooja will take place for one month
Shatanika:how will we live without you for one month mata why don't uncles or buas go there
S: bcoz they are all busy otherwise they have not asked me right and shatanika in two weeks you will see your Mata and pita and they will make you people forget about me with their love
Everyone eyes get teared by hearing this.
Suthanu:no mata no one can make us forget about you and no one's love will match my Subhadra Mata's love
Sutasoma: even when we are in indraprastha you are the one who always feed us mata as mata is busy with the kingdom affairs
Shatanika:and you are the one who always escape us whenever we pull pranks on some one
Surasena:and you are the one who always tell us lovely stories to make us sleep
Srutakarma:and you are the one who always make us sleep in your lap
Pratavindhya:and last you are the one who always clear our doubts and make us walk in the path of Dharma
Suthanu:and mata who was with us in these years and you know what ,we didn't yearn for mata and pita love in these 13years
Pv:so don't ever tell that again we will rather di...
Subhadra puts a finger on his mouth
S:if you say that again then you should know that now alsoI have a stick which makes your brothers always afraid of me just bcoz I didn't beaten you once doesn't meant I won't prati
Pv:oops sorry I would rather not tell that
S: not tell that only not even think of that
Pv: ok
S: now everyone be a good children and spend the whole day with me
Everyone:we would love that
By saying this upapandavas suthanu and Subhadra group hugged
Rochanagarba and Bhargavi just standing there by admiring their bond
Surasena: what my littles are not coming for the hug
Then they also joined.
Subhadra just looks at  the sea outside through the window
Unknown to her,
In the sea shore one warrior is looking towards the chamber of his birth mother.
On the other side one man with the peacock feather in his head just smiles but with a hidden pain.

Dear readers,
Tell me how it is, please comment
With lots of love,
Your sakhi,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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