Authors note

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I know I'm giving so much of note than update sorry as I forgot to write about somethings
In this story
Rochanagarba and Bhargavi loves Abhimanyu so much
Abhimanyu on the other side loves but won't reciprocate his love to them.
Upapandavas and suthanu and iravan love Abhimanyu Rochanagarba and Bhargavi so much as their own brothers and  sister and they also love them equally
Sathyabhama always supports Draupadi on the other side Rukmini and Revathi always support Subhadra. One day three of them fight as sathyabhama supporting Draupadi though she loves her sister in law and Revathi and Rukmini supporting Subhadra though they respect Draupadi which was heard by suthanu and upapandavas they didn't know  their Subhadra maa's sacrifices which is unbearable as her lovely brother krishna and her husband always ignored and left her for their mata Draupadi to not feel insecure and that day only they come to know that Gandhiv dhaari Arjun just made their lovely mata Subhadra ,(who is always told highly about their Draupadi mata and their pitas) to a cowherdess to remove the insecure of their Draupadi mata
That day they come to know that who does not ignore a single needs of them is always got ignored by their whole family and to say the least Abhimanyu their brother does not even spare their Subhadra maa even a single glance. That day their eyes were filled with tears and on that day onwards they started loving and respecting her more which always increases but never decreases . Subhadra also loves them equally as her own children.
Rochanagarba respects  and loves Arjun and Arjun also loves him like he loves iravan as a father.
Bhargavi on the other hand don't even talk to him as she is more attached to Revathi and Rukmini and especially won't call him as pitashree
Rochanagarba and Bhargavi calls Draupadi as samragyi not as badi maa and Draupadi also didn't consider them or talk to them
Yudhishthira and sahadeva loves Subhadra, Abhimanyu, Rochanagarba and Bhargavi as their sister and children and they also loves them as her brothers and their bade and choti pitashree.

But every one of them love krishna and no one hates him.

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