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A/N : Shinichi and ran are no longer dating and this chapter contains shinkai anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter ❤️

Shinichi POV

the first session didn't start yet me and kaito are just wandering in the school's hallways since we got nothing on mind right now, I noticed that kaito got an ice-cream cone he probably bought it before arriving to school. He probably go to another world when he is eating ice-cream.. like seriously i had to grab him away before he bumped into people.. like 3 times already while we were walking saguru was passing by and he bumped his shoulder with kaito's he wasn't really noticing so that caused his ice-cream to fall on the ground.. he didn't even stop apologize which really got me angry cuz of his attitude..

kaito bent down to look at his poor cone on the floor kaito is so emotional more of a child he was whining from sadness once i heard his whimpers i couldn't hold back but going over to that brat..

i grabbed hakuba's collar from behind wich caused him to stop then he turned back to face me

"What do you need exactly?" he said in a tone that made me feel like he doesn't know what he has done.. wich made me even more angry. "You made kaito drop his ice-cream yet didn't even bother to stop and apologize?! what's your problem?!" i was extremely angry with my tone. kaito looked over to me after he cleaned the rest of the ice-cream with tissues and he noticed how aggressively i seemed and how i was grabbing saguru.

" Shinichi, stop it! its fine! "the magician said while wiping his tears off his cheeks

" You are telling me to say sorry as if my sorry will bring his cone back" the dirty blonde said in a lazy tone as if he doesn't care at all i kept getting more angry with every word he said

kaito tapped my shoulder then hugged me from behind.. i eventually got calm and i let go off the brat's collar then turned around to hug kaito back..

"how about i buy you another cone after school?" i said with a warm smile on my face once i finished my sentence kaito's eyes shone with joy and happiness then he hugged me again a bit tighter this time and all he was saying for the next 5 minutes was "thank you!"

I was about to land a kiss on the magicians cheek but then i heard Ran whistling I flinched at the sound and pulled away from kaito then all i saw was his adorable confused face... if Ran or anyone was there I swear I could of pulled him in for a rough kiss, his face is sickeningly tempting wich is so hard to resist honestly.


i knew he was gay.. - that's definitely why he broke up with me, but that's fine as long he is happy. These two 'll actually make a very great couple
"Guys can you kiss already? this looks like a never-ending romance movie"
kaito face turned red immediately so did shinichi's i smirked while putting my hand on kaito' s shoulder "trust me once he got you he 'll transform into a whole new person, a pervert one."
kaito face even turned redder than before i started laughing when i noticed
"Ran, stop it!" shinchi said while hugging kaito until there was no space between them it looked adorable so i just decided to let this future couple be.

Kaito POV

he pulled me again in another hug.. i mean i love hugs especially when he hugs me.. "Shinichi what did she mean by getting me?" i asked with a confused look "Oh uh that's nothing" he said while putting his hand on the back of his head

"alright then".

*Time skip since nothing interesting happened*

Shinichi POV

i told kaito to go home and change and maybe take a quick shower cuz we might stay out for some time beside getting ice-cream and he was glad its has been 2 hours since school was over i went back to my house and changed then i decided to go to kaito's place to pick him up when I was walking to his place, I saw him standing in front of the front door.. i guess he was waiting for me when i got closer i just felt like freezing.. he was wearing an oversized hoodie and shorts and cute little boots and knee-length socks even the socks revealed his feminine legs and thighs he looked beautiful.. i just.. froze and stared at him for some time i finally realized what's going on when i felt his hands on my cheeks i heard his soft caring voice
"shinichi! are you okay?!" said the magician i just shook my head with a nod so he wouldn't be worried. then again i saw his beautiful smile his indigo eyes were like an ocean you can get lost in..

kaito slowly held my hand, i was surprised but i didn't wanna talk cuz i might embarrass him or something. I mean i slowly held it back tightly, as if i wanna show the world that he is mine.. only mine..

then, we walked to the park where the ice-cream truck usually is, once kaito saw the truck he smiled at me then ran to it, such a sweet tooth he is...


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