CH 29

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" Oppaaaaaaaaaa! " from afar y/n wave at Jimin.

Jimin smile at y/n attitude even though he's wore a mask. He just arrive from China after a week he left for work in Jin behalf. His sweet smile can kill 100 thousand of woman heart.

In another side Jin just can't control his jealousy feeling

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In another side Jin just can't control his jealousy feeling. For some reason he need to accompany y/n to pick Jimin at airport.

" Oppaaa! She never call me that way." Jin mimic y/n attitude in a funny way.

" How are you? Are you hungry? Wanna eat? How about hamburger? " y/n excited to see Jimin, her rescuer from lion Jin.

" How are youu.. Ble bleee bleeeekkk... " Jin just keep mimicking y/n make her annoyed.

" Calm down y/n. Let just go to your house. Everyone will be there soon. " said Jimin while laughing at Jin behaviour.

" WHYY?? " Jin sudden shout make y/n and Jimin jump a little.

" What do you mean 'why'? " Jimin ask unpretentious before  get in the car being followed by y/n who is stuck her tongue at Jin.

" You little.. " Jin muttered to hit y/n before drew in and exhale to hold his temper.

" Calm down Kim Seokjin.  They're just a kid who play around with you. " said Jin to himself before get in the car to next destinition.  Which is his house.


" So, what are we doing right now? " Jin ask as soon as everyone took their place.

" Nothing. " replied Jungkook while playing  video game in his phone.

" WHATT? " Jin shout make every eyes turn to him shock to his reaction.

" For a god sake you guys come to my house on WEEKEND just to do NOTHING? " Jin is already standing up to vent his anger.

Every eyes turn to right and left exchanging view from one to other include y/n who can feel something uneasy.

" Please excuse us for awhile. " y/n push Jin body toward kitchen.

" Why are you like this? " y/n ask jin smoothly while look into his eyes.

Jin look into y/n eyes before pull her into a tight hug. Y/n suprised with Jin sudden action but she just let it go.

" Its weekend y/n. " Jin said in low voice.

" So?  Why if its a weekend? " y/n ask while rubbing Jin's back gently.

" Only on weekend we can be together and have our time alone. But suddenly we need to pick mochi at airport and gather for nothing good and do nothing totally nothing. " Jin explain while adorning his embrace of y/n.

Y/n chuckle at Jin's side that she  never see.  Maybe a lion Jin turn to cat Jin when they at home.

" Okay. Now look at me. " y/n try to loosen the hug but Jin refused.

" Just say it like this. I'm to embrassed to look at you. " Jin refused to look at y/n's face when his face is totally red like tomato. Himself also suprised with his own action.

" Okay. How about we just let they do what they want while we go out for dating? " suggest y/n.

" DATING? " Jin loud voice make y/n shut his mouth with her tiny hand when Jin already loose their hug.

" Shh, they'll hear us. " y/n chuckle when Jin just nod with smile.

" Okay,  let go out silently before they notice our absence. " Jin pull y/n's hand silently walk out of their house before start his car and have their way.



" They already gone.  So what did we do here? " ask Suga curiously.

" Right. Don't we need to go out for shopping and etc. " said Hoseok excitedly.

" You may go shopping alone. I'm just arrive and too tired to go out. " replied Jimin.  For 3 hours and more he just sit on the plane make he exhausted.

" It's funny to look at Jin's reaction just now. " said Jungkook make everyone laugh.

" If Taehyung didn't ask us to make sure Jin and y/n is fine, we also didn't want to come here."

Suga word make everyone smile in reunion.


" So, what should we do first? " ask Y/n excitedly.

" Anything you want. " said Jin while fixing his glasses.

" How about watch movie and then we go shopping or stroll along the beach? Or we can go to amusement park?  Oppa Taehyung and I always go-- " y/n stop talking as soon as Taehyung's name slip from her mouth.

" Okay,  we'll do everything you want todayy. We'll go out all day along okay. So let be happy. " said Jin to cheer up y/n after he notice her changes.

Y/n push aside her negative aside and smile sweetly toward Jin.


" Jin-ahh,  don't be like this. I'm  just joking okay. " said y/n while laughing.

" See. You still can't stop laugh at me right? How can you equate me with a farmer 's alpaca? We are totally different. Its has a fur while I'm not." Jin talk like a rapper to explain make y/n laugh even more.

" I'm going shopping alone. Bye. " Jin said before left y/n laughing alone cause he can't stand when y/n laugh at him.

" Jin-ah,  wait for me! " y/n was about to reach Jin when her tiny body suddenly bump to someone make she fell on the ground.

" Auchh, its hurt. " y/n rubbed her butt effect from the fell.

" Y/n? " the voice make y/n stop from her doing.

Y/n slowly look up when her eyes catch someone she know.

"YOU ? "

To be continued...

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