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A weeks later


Like Jin's wish, you move all your thing to another room which is across his room.

For a week, he totally ignore your existence. He don't talk to you, avoid an eye contact even a glance. You cook for him breakfast, lunch and dinner but he never touch or look at your food.

You felt tired of everything. You don't know what to do. You told everything to Jhope but he couldn't do anything to avoid a problem in your marriage relationship.

It's have been two days you decide to avoid him too. You don't cook or eat. You just out from your room to take a bath and drink after that you choose to lock yourself in your room. Crying and keep crying.

Yout stomach that cry asked for food you ignore. Jin's behavior make you don't have appetite or mood to do anything.

Jin's POV

2 days past. My house seem inhabited. It's like I life alone. I miss y/n so much. Her smile, her scent, her face, her everything.

For a week I'm really avoid her, I did like she never in my house. I regret it. I should ask her and hear an explanation. But my head keep ask me not to do it.

" Arghh. She's really something. Always make me lost my mind. "

Suddenly Jimin walked in my office.

" Hyung," he took a chair in front of me.

" Wow wow wow. Jiminiee, you don't respect me huh? I'm your boss, "

" Ah, common hyung. Job hour has past 30 minutes ago. Now I want to tell you something, " he rub his nape while looking down.

" What is it? Are you in love? Or wants a tips to dating? "

" Oh hyung. Please be serious! " he look frust while looked at me.

" Hahahhah. Yeah, what? "

" The person you ask me to look for. I found it. " he took out a file with a serious face. I become more serious.

" Which one? "

" Both. "

" Wow, you're so fast mochi. " I patted his shoulder.

" Stop calling me that hyung. And I'm going home. See you tomorrow. Btw stop being to annoying and jealousy. " he smirk at me before lost behind the door.

I open the file and widden my eyes. I can't believe what I've seen.


You woke up from your longer sleep. You take a look at a clock beside your bed. It's 7.50pm. Anytime Jin will back.

You about to stood up but a pain from your stomach make it hard for you to even move. You accidentally push the lamp beside your bed. The pain really like you get a stabbed in your stomach.

You move slowly to the door. You should take a bath before Jin is home. You walk while bunch. When suddenly you lose your balance. The last thing you remember is Jin hold back your weak body. You gave a weakly smile to him.

Jin's POV

I really want to meet y/n right now. I miss she so much. When I enter the house I hear something crashed upstairs. It's from y/n room.

I run upstairs straight to y/n room left front door open. I saw y/n bunch like hold a pain. I run to her body when she's about go collapse. She got a weak smile. I miss that but not in this way!!

" Y/n, y/n. Are you ok? Hey, wake up! " I slap her face smoothly try to wake her up.

I carry her bridal style straight into my car. I need to bring her to hospital.

" Nurse please help me. She's unconscious. " I ask for help when we arrive at emergency unit.

She pushed into a room to get check up. I messing my hair and rub my face repeatly. Someone come into my mind.


I slowly open my eyes. The first person I see is Jhope. Why is he here?

" Opp-" my pain come again make me roll like a ball. My movement attract Jhope attention.

" Ah, you are awake. Are you ok? Did you hurt anywhere? "

" M-my stom- AUCH!! " a pain keep come like I got stabbed repeatly.

" W-wait here. I'll got a doctor. I'll be back. " he run out to get a doctor. I press my stomach. Then suddenly the door open. I guess it should be a doctor so I close my eyes tried to hold a pain.

" Y/n, " my eyes wide open when hear that familiar voice.

" J-jin, I-I.. " Jin shut my mouth with his finger.

" Rest okay. Don't talk to much. I miss y-" Jin's word cut by doctor and Jhope appearance.

" Please wait outside. " the doctor ask Jin and Jhope to.

" Let's go hyung. " Jhope pull Jin's arm with him.

Jhope and Jin walk outside. Jin turn a while and gave me a smile. But something come to my mind. How can Jhope know Jin?

To be continued


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