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Two whole days passed. Sora didn't much leave her room. For some reason, she enjoyed the company of the small space. Chishiya had shown up at her door on multiple occasions, but couldn't get in due to her fork lock that she made one night. She could tell it was him by his amused chuckle and annoyed scoff. Kuina even stopped by once or twice, but always told her to just come out when she was ready. The nice girl even left meals outside.

This particular morning, Sora woke up to a loud pound on the door.

"She can't stay in there forever-"

"She showed up in a death game, watched people die right in front of her eyes, and then was yanked here by you. I think she deserves a little alone time." A small smile formed on Sora's lips at Kuina's words. She hadn't had many friends in the real world, but Kuina was quickly becoming one of her favorites.

"I need to check her head."

"If something was wrong with her head she would tell you. Now quit acting like a boyfriend who's girlfriend just ghosted him and leave her alone."

Sora couldn't help it, she laughed, loudly. So loudly the two outside the door heard her. The girl sighed and stood up, wondering over to the door. She slipped the fork from its position and slid the door open, looking at the two like they were weirdos. She was met with Kuina's smile and Chishiya's annoyed look.

"You two are loud." Was all she said before turning around, the liquor in her room concerning her. She poured herself a glass as the door shut behind the two walking into the room.

"Your head?"

"Fine. Sore but fine." the girl wondered over to the window. She long since took the bandage off.

"Are you okay?" Kuina spoke up. Sora only hummed, not responding.

"What is it you want?" She spoke after a few moments.

"We have a plan." Chishiya spoke. Sora heard Kuina sigh and the creek of her sitting on the bed.

"A plan?"

"A plan to get the cards and get out of this place, get back to the original world." A small hum left the girl again, and then silence. "You want in or not?"

"You know I could tell Hatter right?" Sora turned towards him, a playful glint in her eyes.

"You could...but we'd kill you before you did." He smirked, not moving his eyes from hers. She stared at him for a few moments, hoping to see a slip up but found nothing but a smirk.

"What's the risk?"

"If you listen well, none." He shrugged, talking a few steps closer. "Now are you in or not?

There was silence for a minute or two. Sora simply stared outside, swishing her drink in her hand. Chishiya and Kuina watched her with hopeful eyes.

"I'm in."

Apparently saying I'm in meant you can't talk to anyone else besides the two of them. This both greatly annoyed and satisfied Sora. She wouldn't be forced to interact with anyone else, but Chishiya still annoyed the hell out of her.

Not long after the two left the room, Sora decided to go exploring. She walked aimlessly around the pool area, that was, until a loud horn rang. People grew excited and started running, screaming and yelling. Sora figured this had nothing to do with her and continued to a beach chair where she sat down. Just about 3/4 of the people were gone. If they weren't gone they were passed out from drunkenness or staring aimlessly into space.

"Game time." Sora recognized her voice. A small smile broke out.

"Hm figures. Only these people would be excited to go die." A laugh left the girls throat at her words, sitting down on the chair next to hers.

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