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Sora felt exhausted the next day. Her and Chishiya didn't separate until around 8am, and by then she was ready to pass out on the spot. So after they went their separate ways, Sora headed to her room where she passed out for 7 hours, until Kuina and the man himself came knocking. Well...Kuina knocked, Chishiya walked right in.

"You didn't lock the door?" Kuina looked at the girl confused after entering.

"What's the point if you're gonna knock until I let you in?" The girl mumbled in return, cuddling more into her pillows, wincing at the contact on her cut.

"Get up."

"Shut up you were up as late as I was." Sora opened her eyed and looked at him in annoyance. He stared down at her expressionless.

"Exactly, so get up."

Kuina eyed the two weirdly, looking back and forth as the two held a staring contest.

"If you tell me you hooked up I'm gonna smack someone." both people looked at the girl with a stick in her mouth, then glanced at each other.

"If you call talking on the roof hooking up then sure." Sora finally sat up, fixing her hoodie and rubbing her eyes free of sleep.

"You two got along?" Sora sent a glare towards the girl. "What? You two argue every time you're near each other."

"Yes, we got along." Chishiya stated in an annoyed tone. "Get up, you need to eat then we need to discuss good assets for our plan."

Sora sighed in annoyance, sitting there for a few seconds longer to soak in the peace before finally getting up, stretching her legs long and hard. Her body felt heavy as she walked towards the door, her footsteps loud.

"Come on." Kuina giggled and led the girl out, Chishiya following. "When are you going to play next?"

"Probably tonight, I don't want to let my visa get too low." Sora answered, sighing.

"I'll be playing tonight as well." Chishiya spoke, glancing down at the girl. Sora briefly met his gaze before quickly turning away.

"I've still got a couple days." Kuina smiled. "But be careful okay? Both of you." Sora gave a smile and a nod while Chishiya just nodded, looking forward. "Maybe you can talk Hatter into getting you both into the same game?"

Little did either of them know...Chishiya had already met with the man.

"I want to ensure me and Sora get put into the same games." The blonde simply stated to the leader.

"Hmm, and why is that? Got a crush on the girl?" Hatter stumbled a bit due to his drunkenness. Chishiya stood and debated on whether or not to lie. He decided his best option was to go with that.

"Yeah actually, I do." Chishiya almost cringed at the words. Hatter seemed quite surprised at him before letting out a laugh.

"Didn't think you could like anyone." He mumbled to himself. "Very-well! I will ensure you and your girlfriend get into the same games. Better hope it's not a hearts game."

Although the man stayed quiet when Kuina mentioned it. He figured the best option was to not tell either of them he already did so.

"Hm yeah, Kitty would probably kill me the moment he got the chance." Sora smirked, making a joke.

"Kuina would kill me if I did." Chishiya said in return.

"Good to know you won't kill me."

"What if I killed Kuina first?" Chishiya glanced down at the slightly smaller girl.

"She'd put you on your ass." Kuina giggled at the playful batter of who could kill who and how. Chishiya only gave a hum in response, as if he didn't believe it. 

"Sora!" The girl paused at the sound of her name, turning around to see who had spoken. It was Niragi. He quickly motioned with his head for the girl to come near.

"I shall be back." Sora mumbled, stuffing her hands in her pockets and walking towards Niragi. She didn't look to see if they were waiting for her or not. Nor did she see Kuina's concerned look.

"Why are you wasting your time with them?" He scoffed, staring at the two in disgust.

"Kuina is good company, and Chishiya...he's not that bad really." Sora sighed, finally admitting it to herself. After their hours long conversation last night, she didn't much mind him. He wasn't so bad when he wasn't being a narcissist.

"He's despicable and a little bitch who I wanna crush-"

"Ni, seriously?" He sighed. Sora took pride in the fact that Niragi had a soft spot for her. She worked hard for it, and even after not seeing him for years it still was there.

"You should be with me. Let me make you a Militant." He smirked, a glint in his eyes. Sora cringed a little to herself. The idea of being apart of a group of murders did not seem fun.

"You meant the group of killer hungry people who everyone is afraid of? I'll pass." Sora stuffed her hands in her pockets. "If you want to hangout, sure. But if not, leave me be."

She didn't want for a response before she walked away. The pierced male started after her, wondering why he couldn't find his voice to call out.

Chishiya and Kuina were waiting for her. The male seemed bored, but he did flash a smug smile at his enemy. Kuina watched her with fearful eyes.

"Everything okay?" Kuina looked at her in worry. "Did he hurt you?"

"Please." Sora scoffed as she kept walking. "That man is mush around me. It's fun to take advantage of." A smirk presented itself. She thought back to their younger years when she used to do exactly that. She resisted the urge to laugh.

"Take advantage of?" Kuina walked with her, looking confused. "In what ways?"

"A good fuck here and there, the man is actually really good in bed." Sora laughed to herself. "And to do some dirty work sometimes."

"You had sex with a psychopath?" Chishiya looked down at the girl.

"Hey, he's good at it." Sora shrugged, smirking to herself. "But I haven't seen him in around four years. Surprised it still there honestly."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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