chapter 14

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dabi coughed up blood .

Then Endevour relised what he did he pulled dabi, who was now completly unconscious.  "Im sorry my son, im so so sorry!" Endeavour said natsuo came over and took dabi away from Endevour.  Natsuo picked up his older brother and layed him down on the sofa and looked at his 'father figure ' in discussed. Fuymi walked to dabi and got a blanket and put it over him.

Endeavour went on his hero shift


After a few minutes dabi gained consciousness and sat up with a groan "what the hell happend?" Dabi said "the piece of flaming shit who we have to call father" Natsuo said,fuyumi had to leave to get shopping.

"Fuck....i feel like i just fell off a cliffand banged ny head on a million rocks as i went down " dabi complained causing natsuo to laugh a little "okay you just got knocked out by our father, you did not jump off any cliff with any rocks.....but it is and always will be like you to be over dramatic" natsuo said

"I AM THE DRAMA!" Dabi shouted cauing natsuo to start laugthing like a hyena. It felt good to have his older brother back.



Sorry for the very very long wait, i just lost motivation for a very long time and had no ideas so for this chapter i give you wholesome brother bonding time :)

See you all in the upcoming chapter!

WORDS : 245

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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