attack on LOV

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I woke up early due to all of the sweat and all of the heat i was laying down it was so uncomfortable i was so weak i can barely walk the ice pack had turned to water i can tell that all of the rest of the villians were up i tryed to sit up i succeeded in sitting up but as soon as a did i heard i big BANG then shouting i could smell alpha it was more than one but i just thought spinner broke his door down so what i did was i tryed to get off my bed and into my closet, as i got off of my bed i fell down with a bang following afterwords i than went into my closet and locked the door

I feel pafetic haveing to do this but i need to keep my self safe and stop all of the alphas in the LOV from doing something they will regret, i layed down in the bedroom closet before i heard a big fight go down then i realised it was Heros
Heros were attacking thats when i realised i was in danger more than i was before.

Whilst we were fighting the villians i relised one was gone, the villan dabi was gone then i heard a bang from the upstairs the villians lookd up then got more aggressive like they were protecting something or someone then it hit me i smelled that someone was heat

I could tell Endevour and Hawks knew as soon as we walked in we manage to defeat the villians and made our way upstairs to see what was going on,it was a challenge to defeat the villians though.

I could hear three humans walking up the stairs, the HEROS were looking up stares i decide to go out the window so i unlocked the closet and opened the window and used all my power to climb out as i was climbing out i heard Endevour say "STOP VILLAN" i diddnt listen i jumped out of the window and lands on the ground and began running away i dont know were i dont care then as i was running away from the Heros i realised this was a bad idea in my state hawks was flying he was right behind me a ran into a alleyway and continued following it to i was lost i was not aware that the heros knew were i was i thought i lost them

It was hard to run in my condison i nealy triped a few times whilst i was running i diddnt expect to be cornered by some sex thirsty alphas they pinned me to a wall i tried to push them off but i was to weak i was scared for the first time i was scared i tryed not to let it show in my sent but it was just my luck it was shown a lot in my sent i did not want this i tryed again to push them off but with no luck then i heard one wisper in my ear "Are you scared little omega" this sent a shiver down my spine then one tryed to kiss me i was petrified it also showed alot on my sent then for the first time i was relieved when all might yelled "STOP!!!" when the men ran away i clapsed onto the floor i was scared, even though i was a villan hawks tryed to comfort me he went to touch me when i flinched and backed against the wall as much as i could then Endevour said "we finally captured you villan, we have you surround" As he walked closer to me i could not helo put flinch in pure fear i was still in heat i as so uncomfortable and was sweating a lot then i heard Hawks say "we should take a calmer approach he is obviously scared and he is in heat" Hawks faced the other two heroes all might nods then said "i agree we dont want to frighten the villan to much" when he finnished saying that they were all pinned down by the rest of the LOV then shigaraki helped me up and saw that i was to weak to stand and walk on my own he also saw how scared i was

I held dabi close to me and was carefull not to use my quirk on him he was so weak and terrified at something i felt bad for him because on top of that he was in heat then i could not help but shout "WHAT DID YOU DO!" the other villans looked at dabi then back to the heros in pure rage, someone scared our omega then toga yelled "WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR OMEGA HE IS IN HEAT" all eyes turned to toga then dabi passed out in my arms then All might said "He is an omega" then hawks said "He ran away from us and was sexually harassed by some random men when we showed up" all villan eyes were now on the winged hero and the lovs eyes full of rage and anger i got twice to carry dabi back to base and lay him down on his bed whilst we make sure no 'heros' got to dabi and twice.


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