Unfinished Business - Chapter one

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"Can you see him" Faliv asked "has he reached the end of the tunnel yet?"

Calindra sighed "you can't help him" she reminded her "he has to make this journey himself. You know how quickly they are whipped away sometimes"

"i know i know" said Faliv frustrated "come on now, come on" she whispered at the tiny speek of light at the other end of the tunnel "you can do it"

Finally she gave up and turned so swiftly to face Calindra that Her wings spun her around 360 degrees.

"slowly" chuckled Calindra, "it takes a bit to get used to them"

"ya think" said Faliv checking her sword was still secured 

"sooo, where is this one going, if he ever makes it here?" Faliv glanced at the tunnel again.

"This one goes up top" said Calindra 

"he is in store for a lovely surprise. I like these ones. You get to see that look when they first recognise their loved ones are here too and everything is as they dreamt it would be." She glanced over Faliv's shoulder at the tunnel, still a ways off.

"do they ever come down to watch?" asked Faliv gesturing up toward the gates..."does a soul up there know when one down here is approaching. one that they know?"

"most of the time no! Said calindra "souls have their own existence up there, so when a known souls approaches, they don't really feel it until it has arrived. Only then the new soul joins their existence, their place of inner peace and that existence then changes, transforms to suit the both of them. Or all of them, what ever the case may be"

"you said most of the time." Faliv curled one wing in toward her body and started to fiddle with the soft white feathers, still glancing over her shoulder from time to time, at the tunnel.

"sometimes you get to see soul mates" Calindra smiled looking down at her sandals. Her cheeks flushed a little "they know when their other half is about to arrive and the gates open and they come down to wait.". She glanced up at the gates smiling at the thought. "Soul mates are unique. It was a word bandied about by the living, but they are truly something special here and extremely rare.  You see, they are two beings that together create a single soul, a larger soul.  In their life these people are lost and incomplete until they meet their other half. Some soulmates never do. But the ones that find their missing half are a Miracle that none I have met can explain! When one passes and the other does not, the half souls existence here is small and quite plain until their soul mate arrives, then it is a wonder to behold" Calindra sighed 

"So you have witnessed one?" Faliv asked excited 

" just one in all my years here"said Calindra"at that's a long time"

"do we have any today?" Faliv flapped her wings and spun around again. "oh bother...wings"

"not today Faliv, not today"although Calindra knew there were none today, she glanced up at the gates wishing it were so and somehow that thought made her feel better and she smiled again.

The smile did not stay long though, as Calindra was a little distracted today and so her patience for Faliv's shannanakins was thin. It had been quite some time since she had seen her twin brother Calarmar and she was desperate to see him. He was the only family she could see right now and when he was off at war for so long, it seemed, she missed him. Time has no meaning here, not really, but being a guardian, time was something she had to be mindful of, because the living keep it, and so must she. But To her dear mischief brother Cal, battle did not have time, it could have been only 10 minutes as far as he was concerned, but in reality weeks may have passed. She was thankful of that for his sake. But Today she was especially eager to see him. She needed to see him because today she knew she had to travel down to the place of the living. Today she knew she may have need of her sword. Her thoughts lingered on the last time she was down there, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not wipe the anxious feeling that seemed to penetrate every part of her being.  She tried to brush those thoughts aside...

Guardian - Chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now