Chapter 5

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Y/N's Pov

Thalassa finally persuaded her brother to join you guys in finding the "demon" again.  Once you arrived at the cave, you sighed in relief when you did not see the figure.  You quickly explained what it looked like and where it was sitting.

"Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?" Thelonious asks.

"I'm positive that it was real," you say, getting a bit defensive.

"I agree with Y/N, you can see the indent it left in the sand," Thalassa calls from the waters edge.

You walk over and indeed see a large indent that is slowly disappearing as the water eats it away.  Thelonious raises his eyebrow as he inspects the imprint at a safe distance from the water.

"Okay, so you saw something.  I could have just been a shark that you mistook for a mermaid," Thelonious reasons.

"No, it spoke to me," you say.

"What did it say?" Thalassa asks.

"Well, I was trying to sneak away and it told me that it knew I was there," you explain.

"Mermaid!" Thalassa cheers.

Thelonious just sighs, not trying to calm his sister down.

"Let's just go inside.  If you see it again, maybe I'll believe you," Thelonious says while hiking back up to the beach house.

Thalassa sighs before following her brother, knowing that if she were to explore the cave now he would be furious with her.  Before you follow them, you look deep into the cave entrance and swear you see a pair of red eyes staring back.  You feel a shiver run down your spine before running to catch up with Thalassa.

Starscream's Pov

I watch the humans from inside the cave.  They don't understand what happened and I hope they never do.  If Megatron were to find out that I was spotted by some humans, he would mush me into a pulp.  The thought sends a shiver down my spine as I watch the humans leave.  One lingers and makes eye contact with me.  I freeze, fearing discovery, but they promptly leave.

"What are you looking at Screamer?" a tenor voice asks near my ear flaps.

I yelp before turning around to see Knockout and Breakdown looking at me.

"Nothing.  Just some mere humans that got too close to our hide out," I lie.

"You sure?" Knockout urges, instantly seeing through my lie.

"Yes, I'm positive," I insist.

"What do you think Breakdown?  Should we report him to our lord?" Knockout asks his Wrecker companion.

Before Breakdown can reply, I scramble to defend myself.

"Well, maybe I should report you guys.  Where are you going?  You know that leaving the cave is prohibited," I say, quickly shifting the blame.

"We are getting some more seaweed, we ran out after Megatron beat up St3v3," Breakdown grunts.

"You are getting more seaweed, I'm going to sunbathe a bit.  You know my scales look best in the sun," Knockout smirks at Breakdown.

I narrow my eyes, knowing that I have to escape from this conversation or risk getting into trouble.

"Well enjoy your little trip," I say while swimming away, hoping they forgot about the humans.

"We won't report you this time, but you better watch your back," Knockout warns.

I grumble under my breath before diving under the water.  I swim all the way to the small sand island and drag myself onto the warm sand.  I place myself underneath the skylight, but it isn't as warm as it is outside of the cave.  I sigh as I just lay there, wanting to be warm again.

"Starscream!" a voice yells, the sound echoing through the cave.

I bolt upright and quickly slide back into the water.  I swim to a small tunnel and enter another cave.  I swim to the air bubble at the top and make my way to the rock ledge.  I climb onto the rock ledge and sit on the edge (A/N: the rock ledge can fit about two large merformers and Megatron has claimed this area as his throne room).  The little sky light inside this small cave illuminates my master's face.  And let me just say, he does not look happy.  I also notice that Soundwave is next to him.

"Yes, my liege?" I ask, bowing the best I could.

"Am I to believe that you confronted a human today?" Megatron asks, calmly.

I cocky my head innocently, trying not to seem suspicious.

"Don't play innocent with me!  Soundwave heard the conversation you had with Knockout and Breakdown," Megatron states.

I gulp, knowing I'm screwed.  I prepare myself for a beating, but Megatron surprises me.

"Good job.  We need human companions so we can be equal with the Autobots," Megatron smirks at my cowering figure.

"You will capture them with Knockout's and Breakdown's aid," Megatron instructs.  "You are dismissed."

"Yes, master," I bow again before slipping back into the water.

I exit the throne room cave and travel to my private cave.  I haul myself onto the rock ledge I use as a bed.  I readjust the slightly damp seaweed before laying down.

"'Good job'?" I quote Megatron.

I am shocked by his words of praise, but there must be a hidden motive behind them.  Living with the Decepticons has taught me not to trust anyone, no matter how friendly they may seem.  Well...I will understand Megatron's masterplan when I get those humans.

My Human (Knockout x Reader x Starscream)Where stories live. Discover now