Chapter 24

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Y/N's Pov

Thalassa leads us deeper into the kelp forest, pointing out fishes every so often.  You suddenly see a flash of red in the dark green kelp, so you decide to investigate.  You take a deep breath and dive down, swimming toward where you saw the red flash.  You push aside some kelp and come face-to-face with Knockout and Breakdown.  You let out a surprised yelp, releasing some air.

"Hey, doll," Knockout says, his voice a little distorted due to the water.

You make wild gestures with your hands, trying to communicate with them.

"We have no idea what you are saying, but we are not here to harm you or your friends," Breakdown explains to you.

You sigh in relief, accidentally releasing the rest of your oxygen.  You panic and begin to rapidly swim upward.

"Where you going, doll?" Knockout says as he swims beside you.

You can't answer him, so you focus on swimming to the surface of the water.  Knockout must have realized why you were swimming like your life depended on it, because he wraps his arms around your waist and uses his powerful tail to quickly swim to the surface.  Once at the surface, you take a few deep breaths before turning your head to look at Knockout.

"Thanks," you whisper.

"You're welcome," Knockout says, resting his chin on your shoulder.

You blush a bright red when you realize that you are still being held against his chest.

"There you are Y/N!" a voice calls from the distance.

Knockout and you both look to see your friends swimming toward you.

"I've got to go.  See you later, doll," Knockout says before brushing a small kiss on your cheek.

You blush a shade of red that would put Knockout's scales to shame, but you try to calm yourself before your friends arrive.

"Are you okay?  You kind of just disappeared," Rex asks, concerned.

"Um...I'm fine.  I was just diving down to look at this cool fish I saw," you say, quickly coming up with a believable lie.

"Who was that with you?" Kathy asks.

You pause, realizing they saw Knockout.

"Uh...he was just a guy who pulled me out of the kelp forest and explained to me he thought I was drowning," you lie.

"Aw...that was nice.  I wish we could have talked with him," Kathy sighs.

"He said he was in a rush and had to leave," you say, continuing your lie.

"That's fine, maybe we should head back to land," Thalassa says.

Everyone nods and you begin to swim back to Thelonious and Ethan.

"See anything cool?" Thelonious asks from under a umbrella as you all walk closer to them.

"Yeah!  We saw a bunch of cool fishes..." Kathy rants, explaining to Ethan and Thelonious about all the sea life you guys saw.

"That's nice," Ethan say, briefly looking up from his Nintendo Switch.

"Maybe if we stay out a bit longer, we will get to see the sunset," Rex says, looking out at the horizon.

"I don't think we can stay out that long," Thalassa says, sounding a bit disappointed.

"Oh, right.  You guys have plans tonight.  That's okay, we will just see you tomorrow at work then," Rex says, also sounding disappointed.

You nod and pack up your things before parting ways with your co-workers.

Knockout's Pov

I kissed them.  I can't believe that I kissed them.

"Something on your mind, doc?" Starscream sneers.

I whip my head to look at Starscream, a scowl on my face.

"No, do you need something, Screamer?" I respond as I continue to put away the kelp Breakdown and I collected.

Starscream glares at me as he speaks, "No, you just seem to be distracted."

I shake my head as Starscream leaves the medbay cave.

I still can't believe that I kissed Y/N.

A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, but please let me know if the love story is moving too fast.  Also, I just realized that I have been spelling "yeah" like "ya" instead of "yeah", lmao. 😅

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