Chapter 51

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A/N: Alright, time for me to stop being a lazy ass and get over my writer's block to present you guys with a chapter. I hope you all enjoy!

Y/N's Pov

You all spent the next few hours going over different plans to save the merformers with the least amount of risk involved. Thelonious and Ethan hunch over Thelonious' computer as they try to hack into some sort of database. Meanwhile, Usi has taken it upon himself to teach the remaining people simple, but effective, self defense. Thalassa comments from the sidelines as she rests on the couch, criticizing Usi's teaching methods.

"Okay, the correct way to punch someone is to close your hand tightly with your thumb on top of your other fingers," Usi instructs.  "Squeeze you fist to maintain a strong grip and try to keep you wrist as straight as possible when striking."

You nod and do as instruct before punching the fake dummy that Thalassa had in her room.

"Good, just try to maintain your stance.  After you punched, you brought your legs too close too together.  A trained attacker would take that as an opportunity to sweep you legs," Usi tells you as you adjust your stance.

You nod and strike again at the dummy, keeping your stance in mind.

"Good, much better," Usi tells you, giving you a thumbs up.

This goes on for a while more.  Usi taught Rex, Kathy, and you how to punch, how to roundhouse kick someone, a few ways how to get out of someone's hold, and he also made you run laps to increase your running skills.  The sun was starting to set while you three were running laps around the house.

"Alright, one more lap and then you're done!" Usi yells as you guys pass him as he sits on the porch stairs.

You nod to yourself and run a bit faster, the promise of relaxing after this urging you to finish faster.  You finish your lap and collapse on the sand in front of the porch and pant as you try to catch your breath.

"Great job today," Usi tells you guys as you drink some water and walk into the house.  "Tomorrow we will practice a bit more before meeting up with your merformer friends."

You all agree with what Usi said before walking back inside the house to see the rest of the gang in the living room with a pizza box on the dining room table.  You all flop on the couch after grabbing some of the food and eating it.

"Did you guys find anything?" Kathy asks Ethan and Thelonious who are still huddled together on the couch.

"We didn't find out anything we didn't already know," Ethan says while Thelonious closes the computer and sighs.

"We can try again later, but Ebony is still at the museum, pretending that we don't exist and aren't a threat to her hunting," Thelonious says.

"But we are, and we aren't letting her get away with this," you exclaim, ready to bring Ebony to justice.

"Agreed," Thalassa comments as she limps down the staircase.

"Don't rush things," Rex scolds her as he helps her sit down.  "You still need to give your wound time to heal."

"Yeah, yeah," Thalassa says, waving him off.

"Okay, when tomorrow comes, we'll tell the merformers what's going to happen," you clarfiy.

"Yes, and we also need to tell the Autobots about what's happening too," Thalassa says.

"The bad guys?" you question.

"Actually, they're the good guys," Thelonious hesitantly tells you.  "The Decepticons lied to you."

"Why would they lie?" you ask, now genuinely confused.

Before anyone has a chance to answer, a knocking at the backdoor captures all of your attention.

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