Chapter Eight

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Tom Riddle was the happiest he had ever been in his life. He was a Slytherin. Of all the wizarding families he could have been from, he descended from the purest and most powerful bloodline in the Wizarding World. It certainly explained his affinity towards snakes. But then there was Ivetta.

He hadn't gotten a chance to speak to you since he had found out the news, the glorious news. But you would have to speak with him eventually, for he had taken your potion's essay, the one you had slaved over for hours. It was quite odd, for almost every other female in the school had spoken to him that day, yet somehow you were still able to ignore him. He figured it was one of the newfound perks of being the Slytherin seeker.

Between the newfound things in his own life, he could barely process the things he had found out about you. Grindelwald. He could tell that the wizard was just using you, for your power, but he knew you wouldn't see it. Or you would see it but just ignore it. Which frustrated him to n end. He would be a million times more successful, more powerful, than Grindelwald. And he would be able to give you the world.

He was not sure why, but the idea of you working for anyone disgusted him, making his blood boil. He was prone to rages, not that anyone who didn't know him could tell, he would not let them see. He would let you see someday soon, the anger you caused.

For now he would settle with a confrontation. He wanted to spar, and he had seen you walking towards the library, which at this time, would be almost empty. He wasn't disappointed, and spotted you immediately at a table in the corner.

He walked up quietly, and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. Or he tried to, his hand had been slapped away before he could finish. You did not bother to look up at him, instead let out a rather rude sigh. "So the Quidditch star has decided to grace me with his presence."

He was very annoyed by this. He was only playing that stupid sport for followers, and you were being rather obnoxious about the whole thing. And he needed you on his side, they were connected! And he was a Slytherin and you didn't even know!

But of course he would not tell you all of that. Instead he placed a small smirk on his face. "I didn't know I needed an excuse to talk to the smartest girl in the year."

"I'm tied with Zara." He took a seat. You still were not looking at him, and he had the desire to cast the imperious curse to make you, to have you realize he was not your equal. Yet again he did not do any of these things now was not the time.

"Zara cheats off Avery. Everyone but the professors know that." This got you to look up, a smirk paying on your own lips.

"And Avery cheats off you, everyone but the professors know that." He must have let his shock how on his face for you laughed, a pleasant musical sound that made him even angrier. "Everyone but you and the professors than. Come on Tom, you guys share a dorm and your a genius. Merlin knows they need all the help they can get."

The use of the word they did not slide past him. He would deal with this matter of cheating roommates later. "Do you?"

You scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself. Your handwriting is too...posh." He hated how you could insult him without a care in the world. He knew that you were intimidated by him, he was an intimidating person! Yet you were so much braver than his knights. Or just stupider.

"You know, I heard a very interesting rumor the other day. Your name so rarely makes the rounds here, I have to say I was surprised." This piqued your interest, but he would not give you the chance to interrupt. "If I'm being honest, it seemed so unlike you, but the other night I noticed something."

"Spit it out Riddle."

"Do you have a tattoo?" You broke out into laughter, but he caught the slight tense of your shoulders.

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