Chapter Nine

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Three things him in the middle of his first Quidditch match. The first was the sudden realization that he did not like the sport and found no joy flying around looking for another flying object while more people flew around him. The second thing was that you were in the stands, not cheering, and not really attentive, but there nonetheless. The third thing that him was a bludger, which reinstated his first realization.

He cursed as he shook out his arm. He was certain it was not broken, though he wasn't sure how, having never broken an arm before. It was a match against Ravenclaw and they were winning. At this point he didn't even have to catch the snitch and they would still win.

He was debating just flying off the field and seeing if anyone noticed when he saw a speck of gold out of the corner of his eye. Lahonè, the Ravenclaw seeker seemed more interested in the female Ravenclaw chaser than the newly appeared snitch. He grumbled under his breath. Why had he wasted studying time for this? The game was over seconds later, the snitch still struggling in his palm.

His broom landed on the grass, and he walked away from the throngs of people gathering on the field, away from his teammates who were cheering, and towards you, walking back to the castle. He caught up to you easily.

"You couldn't have ended that game a bit earlier? I haven't started my essay for divination yet."

"You didn't have to go." he made this sound as insulting as he could but you just laughed.

"Trust me, I do not plan on making it a habit. But the gossip in the girl's dormitories is revolved around your amazing skills demonstrated at practices. You have quite the fan club. I had to see if you lived up to the hype."

He stepped in front of you, blocking your path. "And did I?" You stepped around him.

"I think they were overselling you. I was incredibly disappointed." He did not feel angry at this veiled insult, which caught him off guard.

"Well I don't think my fan club particularly cares about my, well, quidditch skills per se." He got immense satisfaction from the look on your face.

"What a, well, egotistical assumption. I'm sure those girls are very invested in the game of quidditch. I think, frankly that its a very sexist angle to take, that they're more interested in you than the sport."

A full grown smirk appeared on his face. "I never took the angle that they were interested in me. But please do tell, what did you think I was insinuating?"

"You are much more fun when you're planning murder Tom Riddle." It was an attempt to change the subject but he was having far too much fun for that.

"You dodged my question! That's alright, but let me ask you this. Are you part of my little, what did you use? 'Fan Club'?" This received a mix of a scoff and a laugh.

"You wish. I have standards."

"Did you know that your eyes do a weird squint thing when you lie? It's kind of like you're trying to avoid looking at the sun."

"Oh Tom, are you really lecturing someone else on lying? I personally can't tell when you do it, but I know its often enough I just assume you never stop."

"Why does every conversation we have end in a fight?"

"I don't know, high intelligence and drastically conflicting personalities?"

"We have very similar personalities."

"Even worse." You were so quick witted. Unfazed by so much he threw at you. Much smarter than he had once thought, that was for sure. And apparently a seer. Or something along those lines.

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