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After Julie ran off, I followed behind Luke, poofing into the studio, where Alex and Reggie were hanging out. They were a little shocked to see me, but after a brief explanation of everything that went down today, they were quick to forgive me.

"Poor Julie," Alex frowned, sitting on the couch after we explained what happened on the girl's porch moments ago, "Should we go check on her, or?"

"I don't know," Luke muttered, running his fingers through his hair, "I'm not too sure if we'd be much help, considering we're the reason she's upset."

"I can try," I suggest, shrugging my shoulders; honestly, if Julie is going to be upset with anyone, it should be me, not the boys, "I mean, if you want me to?"

"That isn't a terrible idea," Reggie snapped his fingers, pointing at me. "Maybe she'll listen to another girl better anyway," the other boys nodded in agreement, still a little unsure of my idea; I felt sad for them; I know the last thing they wanted was to hurt Julie.

"It'll be okay; I'm sure she'll come around," I reassure all three of them, placing my hand on top of Luke's, "I'll be right back." Luke squeezed my hand before nodding for me to go; I poofed into Julie's house, walking up the stairs until I was in the hallway; Julie's door was wide open, and she was sketching in a notepad. I took a deep breath, knocking on the open door.

"I'm not in the mood," She muttered, not even bothering to glance up.

"I'm coming in anyway," I inform her, stepping into her bedroom. Her room screamed Julie, it was colorful and cozy, with pictures and fairy lights hung randomly all around. "Look, Julie," I sit on a closed trunk, folding my hands together, "If you're gonna be mad at someone, please be mad at me, none of this is the boy's fault; if it were up to them, they would never leave your band."

"You don't get it," Julie said, finally looking up from her sketch pad, "I keep losing people, Harper, and right when my life was finally starting to get good; I had great friends, a great band..." She dragged off; I frowned at her; I did get it; maybe Julie and I had more in common than we thought, "then bam!" Julie exclaimed, holding up her drawing; it was a volcano erupting, with her name at the bottom; I assume to symbolize how her life just keeps blowing up around her.

"I'm sorry, Julie," I say, unsure of what to say to make the younger girl feel better, "I really wish you didn't have to go through all of this," Julie frowns, glancing down once more, "if it helps that's gonna be a great album cover one day," I add, trying to lighten the mood.

"It doesn't help," She mumbles, standing up from her bed; I furrow my brows when she gestures for me to stand up from the trunk. I guess Julie is done with the conversation because a second later, she's folding up the clothes she wore today, placing them back in the trunk, "You don't need to help," She mumbles, folding up the multicolored sweater she had on earlier.

"Well, it'd be pretty weird if I just stood there and watched," I shrugged, placing her jeans back in the trunk, "might as well help," Julie glanced at me; she didn't seriously think I'd give up that easily; I'm not leaving here until she agrees to speak to the boys. She huffed in annoyance but continued folding and organizing the trunk of clothes; I kneeled beside her, furrowing my brows when a familiar logo flashed by.

"Hmm," I hum, picking the shirt up, unfolding it, "did the boys give you this?" I ask, holding it out for her to see; it was a white sunset curve shirt, one I remember helping the boys design long ago before they ran out, except this one was rhinestoned; it definitely looked like something Julie would wear.

"What the heck?" Julie mumbles, furrowing her brows in confusion, "I've gone through my mom's clothes hundreds of times, and I've never seen that." She admitted, so this is her mom's stuff then, gotcha.

The Other Side of Hollywood | Luke Patterson Where stories live. Discover now