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"Caleb," I took in a breath, I tried keeping my eyes on him, but it was proving to be difficult, considering my two best friends are tied up directly behind him. You could feel the nervous tension floating through the room, "I was just coming to update you on the plan," I informed him, trying my best to sound enthusiastic, "what's going on?"

"Oh, don't act as if you don't already know," Caleb remarked, disappointment laced through his voice; I don't feel as guilty like I would have felt in previous years, "I expect this type of behavior from Willie, but you and Maya?" I glance back at Maya and Willie; through their nerves, they send me encouraging nods, silently telling me to stand up for myself.

"We're done," I finally say, my voice coming out louder than I expected, "I used to think this club was some sort of heaven on earth, but it's not; it's a prison, no one here is here because they want to be, not anymore at least; you've trapped every single one of us, and for what? Luke, Alex, and Reggie are so much better than you and this stupid club, and thanks to us, they're never going to come-"

"Enough," Caleb yelled, holding his hand out for me to stop, "Who gave you the right to speak to me with so much disrespect? Was it not I who sent someone to find you when you were crying on the street, who gave you a home and all the luxurious items you could ever want when you had absolutely nothing?" I stay silent while he had done all these things; I've realized that none of them matter; none of those things truly bought me happiness. "I thought so," He snapped at me before I could reply, "You're done now Harper, I have given you so much freedom and trust, and look what you do in return; I'll be taking over the plan now."

"You can't stop me from helping them," I fight back, trying to muster as much confidence as I could; I tried poofing away, but nothing happened; this has never happened before. I tried once more, but it felt as if a magnet was tugging me back.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong," Caleb laughed maliciously, shaking his head, "I own you, Harper; you can't do anything without my permission."

"I hate you," I spat, my voice filled with anger, "and I will never stop fighting; none of us will," I inform him, Maya and Willie both say something in agreement, but it comes out muffled through the tape.

"Oh no," Caleb faked, scared, "What on earth will I do?" He mocked, holding his hand to his heart, "Oh wait, I know," Before I could ask what he meant, Caleb fake blew a kiss at me, white air floated around me, but before I could question what was happening, everything went dark.

Two hours later

"I think she's awake," I could hear Willie whisper; my head pounded, I hadn't realized it was possible to have a headache as a ghost, but right now, I knew for sure it was possible.

"No, she's not," Maya whispered in return, "now shut up, she deserves to have a couple more minutes of peace."

"I'm up," I groaned, lifting my head up; my neck felt stiff from the awkward position it rested it, and when I lifted my hands to rub it, they were tied in restraints, "How long have I been out?"

"Two hours," Willie informed me, nodding over to the clock on the wall; I blinked a few times, the dizziness in my head making it hard to read the clock. Eventually, it lifted slightly, enough for me to see the clock; the boys would be performing in an hour, and it didn't look like I'd be there to see it.

"How'd you get the tape off?"

"Caleb claimed he was being generous," Maya scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance, "but if we yell for help, he'll put it back." Of course, I thought; he makes it seem as if he's kind and fair, allowing us the basic right of being able to speak; not acknowledging the tight restraints tying on wrists together; and the weird charm he's put on the room, not allowing us to use our power.

The Other Side of Hollywood | Luke Patterson Where stories live. Discover now