1: The child

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Many live in the world but few know what is going on right under their noses. 

The world is vast, enormous as it is, with it are the abominations of human, from murder to rape, from rape to suicide. Millions of heartbreaking actions are taken towards people

And... What about them? Children? Young souls with pure energies. Them who hold innocence in their eyes, their tiny touches, their weightless steps. Their loud giggles coming from a whole new dimension, where pain does not exist. 

Then monsters comes barging into that dimension yanking them to the real world, to our world. But here is a whole different story... A least expected of a life.

That year thousands to millions of children were announced missing all around the world. Young children ranging from age two to twelve, innocent children who had destiny before them. It was such a calamity to have them missing, half of the generation was been ripped off but little did they people know, that those who called themselves lovers of the people, were these same people who stole away their sleep, who cause them to shed tears, who left them with melancholic souvenirs. The people who took away their 'children'

The security department had surely expected distress calls when they got a call from an anonymous speaker. The efforts to get all details from him were to no avail. 

All he said was, "A victim was kidnapped and is been tortured. I think he won't take it any longer, is been six years. I can't continue to ignore it. Save him, save a life..." Then the line goes off. 

The security department found themselves bolting out the door for their cars while reaching for their tools. 

The drive was excessively long, after all it was winter. 

They got to the exact spot mentioned by the masked speaker but little did they know what awaited them. 

In their usual silent steps, they sneak into the compound aiming straight ahead for any sign of menacing presence. 

The captain of the crew, Bob, moved to the door and knocked, but no answers rather it was void, the compound was deadly silent so was the inside of the house. 

The captain stepped back and signal for them to barge in. Which they did, the door went down flat and everyone raised their gun carefully and kept their minds on any sort of sound, cause the place was a pure soundless ground. 

However the house was huge with many doors and hallways, it looked pretty inhabited. Couches covered with gray sheets -supposedly white turned gray from so many years of negligence. 

The crew parted in two moving quickly into all corners while the captain stood back taking in the state of the house. 

It was so deserted, the perfect place for a crime, but yet it might be a prank. He thought. After all, the so call speaker didn't give any details but he did sound nervous. 

Maybe a stunt played by some rascal teenager to annoy the securities. 

He sighed as he spotted some of his crew members coming down the stairs. All doubts were clear it was definitely a prank.

His hand still on his gun he kicked his foot against the rogue lightly awaking the particles of dust that took off the floor only to settle in the stagnant air. 

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