3: Freddy

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A loud thud was heard and the both ran back to the room only to meet void and the window wide opened.

"Shit! I knew it! He must have something to do with the boy's state." Grant cursed while running to the window, Botch chased after him with his phone raised to his ears alerting the cops.

They both climbed out into the parking lot, feet pondering hard on the paved ground. Grant was determined to find the kid while Botch just ran so he could be witness.

"They can't go this far! And I don't see any car leaving the parking." Grant yelled to Botch as they ran.

"Maybe he was quick enough, Grant. If I had knew I wouldn't have invited him." Botch called back.

"You can be proud of yourself Botch, he's going back to hell." Grant said angrily to Botch.

"Com-" Grant was cut off by the loud long honking from one of the cars pack in the lot. At first they thought it was just a normal honk, but then it persisted non stop, straight no pause. They both grew suspicious, as usual Grant was first to step up.

He walked to the direction of the unending noise. He approached the black Mercedes carefully, with Botch just behind.

When they got nearer their blood froze right in their veins and their movements were forced to a stop.

Blood splattered everywhere on the car front screen, therefore the couldn't see through, but only that sight was just enough to petrify them.

With multiple thoughts running in his mind Grant managed to force his muscles through the shock, he moved to the opened windows while Botch went back to calling the emergencies.

When Grant came closer he was flabbergasted by what he saw. The little boy was curled up in the back seat head buried in his knees sobbing soundlessly while his hospital gown had blood stains.

Grant's gaze shifted to the front seat where the lifeless body of Baker laid, knife in the throat, head blown off with a bullet right in the middle, gun in his grip.

Grant was forced to scowl in disgust and shock.

He tried to pull the door open but it won't work, finally he got it yanked opened and the boy tilted his head up eyes still shut.

"It's me Grant." Grant said as he crawled in causing the child to back away.

"Come on, I won't hurt you, is over." He encouraged, wrapping his arms around his small body.

The boy didn't fight back, he wrapped his legs around Grant's waist and allowed him to get him out.

Just then the emergencies arrived and Baker's corps was been transfered.

The boy had a warm cover around his shoulder with Grant by his side.

"Hey, you know you can open your eyes now." He whispered to the boy obtaining no reaction.

"The lollipop is still waiting." He said as he grabbed the boy's tiny hand with the lollipop still in his hold. He knew just what the kid wanted.

"Come on. You're close."

Slowly and carefully he tore his eyelids opened while facing his lap with his long black hair totally shielding his face.

"I still haven't seen them." Grant joked.

Then he turns his head almost swiftly, too quick for his age. Grant almost jumped if not for his steadfast.

They were like two sharp flames against each other, his pupils were barely visible, they were so tiny, giving the shed of orange red of his eyes a dangerous reptilian look. It looked inhumane. Rather it felt like hell.

"You have amber eyes and they're beautiful. You know is very rare to have amber eyes." Grant explained and the boy does not blink.

"Wow!" Botch voiced as soon as his eyes made contact with the boy's flame like ones, while he stood behind Grant.

"What?" Grant frowned.

"His eyes." Botch mentioned unable to finish his sentence.

"I know he has one like each and everyone of us." Grant said in annoyance before turning back to face the boy.

"Tell me what is your name?" Grant asked almost in a whisper.

The boy only stared with no response and he didn't look like he was giving one any ages soon.

"Hey, I'm your friend. You can tell me." Grant continued not breaking eye contact with the kid.

His amber gaze shifted to Botch and he backed away. "I'm not here." He blurted.

The boy made a slow movement, never letting go of the candy he grabbed a hand full of his hospital gown with both hands and slowly lifted it up revealing his scars and pant.

He got down from where he was seated and they watched. He took two steps before turning his back on them and slowly he raised the fabric even more.

Botch and grant stared, from Y to D,D to E the R and F. Those letters where engraved on his back making life scars, and he found it useful to communicate his name.

His little index finger slowly pointed.

"FREDDY?" Botch asked.

He turned around with the same motion adjusting his cloth.

"Freddy, is a pretty name you know." Grant forced a complimented while Freddy went back to staring at him. He didn't want to voice his true opinion to the kid.

"You know I'm glad you hear what I speak. English. So I'm forty years old, how old are you?"

Freddy looked at him while raising five fingers and one.

"Six." Grant chuckled. "Wow, that's good Freddy." He went ahead to grab Freddy's small hands.

"Do you have a mummy or a daddy?" Grant went ahead to ask.

Freddy slowly shook his head his face holding confusion.

"How did they get you? They did it right? Where do they come from?" Grant asked while fixing Freddy deep in the soul.

Freddy slipped his hand from Grant's and pointed at void. Grant and Botch both looked but saw nothing.

"That's enough Botch. I bet the kid is exhausted he had never reacted so much since he came in." Botch said.

Grant slowed down, he carefully unwrap the lollipop and hand it to Freddy who brought it slowly to his lips, the tip of his tongue going to touch the sweetness of the candy.

He immediately pushed the sweet in his mouth whole and suck on it.

Grant held back a coo.

"I'm very much impress by all this Grant, but I'm so sorry we didn't come to this earlier, see." Botch ran a hand on his face. "The kid has no body, he will be transferred to an orphanage tomorrow."

Grant glared at Botch when he was done speaking. "This isn't right Botch. He still needs time to get along with people or not feel insecure around them. Only God knows how long they've been keeping him, maybe he has never seen the world before, or have a proper conversation." Grant said, trying to get his points heard.

"I know, but their is nothing I can do, not like anyone could foster him, he needs someone that gets him to react and an pretty sure he won't be welcome around kids with full abilities." Botch said sympathetically while glancing back at Freddy who was busy devouring his candy.

Grant followed his gaze for a second before staring straight ahead an squinting at the sun and he said in a low but determined pitch.

"I know the right place for Freddy..."

Hi guys! Sup? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Now let's get back to business here comes the real story. Get ready to meet new characters either to hate or love.

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