2: A year later...

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Mr James's office phone went off with a ring! Ring!

He exhaustedly reach for it, as it was the millionth time that day he was picking up phone calls.

He was gazing at a patient's file while bringing the phone closer to his ears with his secretary in thought. She must be alerting him of the arrival of the next patient.

"Sir I just got a call from the security department. They have a new patient who just filed in." Her voice came from the other line.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "And where is that, Jenifer." He asked.

"Uh, he is currently in the hospital, they want you there urgently." Jennifer replied.

"Do you have his file?" He required as he slowly close the previous file.

"No sir, his details are blank. They said they'll let you know once you are there." She said.

"Is my wife aware?" He asked while getting on his feet.

"She is off to the asylum for a new patient, I guess you're all alone sir."

He sighed . "Hmm. Send the address to my email." He grunted before hanging up.

He went straight for the door as his phone screen lighted up with the address showing.

He made his way down the stairs with hello's and hi's over there and here.

Finally he made it to the parking lot and drove off, with a classic music filling the silence.

Usually his car was very noisy either from the kids or his wife.

It was really an understatement to say he missed the noise.

He picked up his phone his thumb going to punch his home number he knew by heart.

"Diana, who is on the line?" He heard the sweet voice of his sister from the other line. He imaged her brows furrowed lightly, as she normally does when answering a call.

"Dian is Grant, how are the kids?"

He heard a sigh from her, and imagine her rolling her eyes. "They're okay, and perfectly fine. Troublesome but fine. I told you and Brenda not to call so much, she called thirty minutes ago! And now you're calling. Don't forget you both are in a work trip, if you keep worrying this much I'm afraid you'll both be hospitalized of heart attack." She ranted.

Now it was Grant's turn to roll his eyes. "If they happen to be bad just call me. And tell them, I miss them dearly." He said.

"Sure will, now look at the road, I know you're driving I can hear the music playing." She said.

"Yeah. Bye. Send my kisses to the kids and tell them I love them." He said.

"Yeah, yeah bye! Mother hen." She hung up making him sigh amusingly. She was a woman of character, just maybe too much.

His destination was force to an end when he had pulled in the parking lot of the huge hospital.

He pulled out his sunglasses, slipping them on. He strode to the building, going to meet the receptionist who greeted him with a warm smile and he returned the gesture.

"Mr Grant James. Psychologist." He pulled out his documents.

"You're awaited in the waiting room by Mr Botch Rich." She said the smile never fading off her face.

He nodded politely while grabbing his documents before disappearing in the waiting room.

As he walked in he spotted Botch sitting on the armed chair with magazine in his grips.

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