Chapter 1

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"There aren't any eggs, there's nothing here." A child said disappointedly. Children were leaving the part, all feeling disappointed at the failed egg hunt.

"I give up, he didn't come."

They were losing hope

"Come on."

Their childlike magical view of the world

"I don't understand."

Neither did the guardians

Bunny looked in fear as the park was emptying fast. Children of all ages were left disappointed and hopeless. It hurt to see them like that, pain racing through his center like a fire in the summer bush. He saw 2 children at a table, still the slightest shred of hope left. He had to act fast, make them believe he was real.

Against all instincts, honed in the past few centuries, Bunny jumped out into the open and hopped to the children. "Kids! Oi!" If they saw him, for sure they would convince the others he was real.


The young girl was sitting on top of a table, solemnly watching her friend still search. "Maybe he just hid them really well this year?" She questioned, though she sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. Her friend stopped looking in the bushes, giving up on his halfhearted search. "There's nothing here, I looked everywhere." He said and walked to her friend.

Bunny got to the children and tried to hand them some of the slightly damaged eggs they managed to save. "Yes there is! There is! I mean these aren't my best lookin' googies, but they'll do in a pinch!"

"I can't believe it." The girl jumped off of the bench. Bunny felt a rush of hope go through him, smiling at the young child in front of him. "Ay I know. He chuckled a little nervously, holding up his egg. He looked between it and the girl but something felt off and he knew it too. He raised a quizzing brow as the girl didn't look happy at all, eyes pointed at the grass below her feet.

"There's no such thing as the Easter Bunny."

Bunny looked shocked. How could they say such a thing? He was right there! Right in front of them! They can't not have seen him!

"Easter is over. Forget this." The boy said to his friend as they to started to leave the park.

Bunny really started to panic. His center was screaming, this was wrong! All of it! It wasn't supposed to be like this! He was created to protect children, protect hope, but they were all giving up.

"What? No!" He yelled trying in vain to get the last children's attention.

"There's no such thing."

"I know. Now come on."

"Easter Bunny where are you?"

"Let's get out of here"

Bunny desperately tried to make the children see him. He jumped in front of a boy, hoping to block his way.

"Why didn't he come? This is the worst Easter ever." Bunny was breathing heavily after the child walked through him. He looked on shocked as all of the children had left.

"They...They don't see me." He choked out in disbelief and fear. His center felt cold. All over the world children were losing hope. The burning passion that fueled his magic was burning out as nobody believed in the Easter Bunny anymore. In him. In hope. The spark of childhood has already been extinguished in all of them.

"They don't see me." He breathed before crouching down. He caressed the last remaining eggs he had and cried quietly. Sadness and loneliness washed over him as he felt the lights go out in each child. Tooth flew over to bunny to comfort him. She had never seen Bunny this upset and she didn't know how to soothe the pain he was feeling.

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