Chapter 7

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They looked up to find the source of the unnatural storm. Pitch was standing on a cloud of nightmare sand, laughing down at them.

Jack got ready to take off as he ordered the other guardians. "Get Jamie out of here." He too off towards the angered Boogeyman. North shouted a warning of caution before he ushered the others way from the upcoming battle. Loki wasn't sure whether he should follow Saint Nick or stay to keep an eye on Jack. He feared a repeat of their last battle as he saw Pitch prepare for a head on collision with the boy.

Pitch watched annoyedly as Jack shot up, headed straight for him. "Jack Frost." He growled out as he wrapped himself up in his nightmare sand and propelled himself towards the winter spirit. "Let's end this shall we!" As he came closer, they both slowed down.

Jack fired off his strongest attack, hoping it would work like it did the first time. Unfortunately for him, it did absolutely nothing as Pitch simply blocked the attack with his hands. "That little trick doesn't work on me anymore!" The nightmare king yelled out as he commanded the sand to shoot out from behind him and attack Jack.

Weakened by the powerful blast he had sent to Pitch, Jack had no energy left to block the onslaught of sand and fell out of the sky. Loki watched as the boy fell and rushed to follow him. As Jack was nearing the ground, Loki teleported himself up and curled around the winter spirit, taking the brunt of the fall. They first hit a roof and then onto a trashcan before hitting the ground and splitting apart. Jack rolled a bit further than Loki as his's staff was knocked out of his hand.

Luckily for them, they had fallen right were the guardians were trying to hide Jamie. "Jack!" Jamie cried out as he rushed over to the teen. Loki groaned from a bit further as he tried to stand up. "Loki!" He mock yelled. "Thank you for risking yourself to catch Jack!" He meant to say to himself, but Jamie and the guardians heard. They winced a little as Jamie and Tooth helped Jack stand. North stood between the pair as Loki joined the others. "Was good try Jack! A for effort!" He encouraged as he slapped both men on the back, causing each of them to almost fall were it not for Tooth and Jamie. Jack tried to catch his breath as he looked up at the guardians. "He's stronger, I can't beat him."

Thunder boomed above them as Pitch had found them again. He laughed maniacally as his shadow travelled across the alley they were in. Jack jumped for his staff and got up as the others formed a protective circle around Jamie. "All this fuss over one little boy, and still he refuses to stop believing." Pitch's shadow rode one of his nightmares as it moved from wall to wall, circling them as a predator would their prey.

"Very well." Pitch's echoing voice said as it bounced between the walls. The shadow glided over to where streetlights were attacked to the outer sides of the buildings. "There are other ways to snuff out a light." He threatened as he broke each light one by one.

The guardians' circle around Jamie tightened as Loki placed himself in front of Jack, placing both youngest boys in the middle. Bunny stepped forward, daring the shadow form to attack him. "If you want him you're gonna have to go through me." A giant shadow hand appeared on the ground, reaching out to Bunny. Pitch's voice echoed a gasp as his shadow tried to pet Bunny. "Look how fluffy you are. Would you like a scratch behind the ears?" The voice babied as Bunny ran off in fear. The once massive warrior jumped up into North's waiting hand. "Don't you even think about it!" Bunny attempted to seem threatening, but his cutesy appearance did him no good.

Between parked trucks, 3 nightmares started to enter the alley. The guardians stepped back, trying to get distance between them and the horses. "I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel to see you all like this." Pitch materialized on a forth horse and rode into the alley. "You look awful." He said as he was in full view of the guardians. Haunting neighs filled the air as the shadows extended, reaching out to them.

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