Chapter 6

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In their rush to get to Jamie's house, they had forgotten to discuss what to do once they got there. So now there were and invisible teen and an adult man in a sleeping child's room. There was a dark feeling to the air as nightmare sand dusted the room. Jamie laid tossing in his bed, likely having a nightmare.

Loki looked over at Jack, hoping the teen had a plan. Jack just shrugged helplessly. "I didn't think we'd get this far. Kid can't see me but he can see you. Do something!"

Loki face palmed, questioning himself and the decision to join on this quest. He looked around in the room, spotting a drawing of the boy sledding. Raising a brow, he looked at Jack and jabbed his thumb at the picture. Jack laughed sheepishly and rubbed his neck. "Yeah...That was an accident. He lost his tooth afterwards when the sofa crashed into him."

Loki fought the urge to face palm again, opting to just roll his eyes. His gaze fell on a stuffed bunny that had fallen to the ground. He smirked as he picked it up and threw it on Jamie with a little bit more force than would have been necessary. Jack glared at Loki as the man raised his shoulders nonchalantly.

Jamie groaned awake and shot up as he saw Loki leaning against his desk. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. "Is this still a nightmare or is Loki actually sitting at my desk?" He asked to nobody in particular.

Loki crossed his arms and scoffed slightly. "I'm flattered but no, I am here." Jamie looked at him in disbelief, and spotted the bunny on his bed. "Did you throw this at me?" He asked as he lifted up the stuffed animal. The trickster smirked proudly and nodded.

Jamie side eyed the god of mischief as he set the bunny back down next to his pillow. "Okay so you are real and here. But why? Are you going to control my mind like you did with he people in New York? Are you going to take me prisoner? Feed me to Fenrir? Send me to Muspelheim? Or maybe Jöten-"

"Stop your blabbering child. How do you know of the other realms, or the beast Fenrir?" Loki interrupted. This child knew more than some of the children on Asgard. Maybe that is why Jack had taken a liking to the boy.

Jack was getting a little frustrated at the change of topic. He needs Jamie to believe in the guardians, not discuss the ways Loki could torture him. Jack looked on to the window and got an idea. He started to freeze the glass, frost growing ever to intricately.

Jamie pointed at his freezing window and stared at Loki. "Are you doing that?" He asked. Loki looked at Jack who was entraining himself by drawing on the frosted windows. He couldn't do much without looking like he lost him mind. "Of course not, foolish boy. I am the god of Mischief, not of frozen windows." He scoffed.

Jamie looked at the window, it had fully frosted over and the frost was spreading to the other panels. "Hey, you could still do it with that frost giant magic of yours. Don't you have some ice magic?" Loki froze. How did this human child know so much of him, more than he had known a few years prior. Was he a mage who could see into the past? A witch perhaps? He turned to Jamie, anger slightly showing in his expressions. "How do you know of that, child?! Who has told you of this?" He really had to hold in from yelling to the child, Jack would surely freeze him if he went too far.

Jamie just shrugged his shoulders and pulled out a book from underneath his bed. "It was in this book. It's all about the legends from different ages. You are in the one of Norse Mythology. Thor too, as well as other people."

As Jamie kept explaining it, and Loki having to silently deal with the identity crisis this book had brought upon him, Jack angrily cleared his throat. "Loki, come on. He needs to believe in the guardians. You can read the stories later. Fate of the world at stake here."

Loki snapped out of his daze and focused back on Jamie. "So you believe in these tales?" Jamie jumped up a bit in excitement, barely believing he gets to talk to an actual god. "Of course I do, living proof standing right here in my bedroom! How could I possibly not believe in you?" Loki nodded as he took the book and looked for a section about the guardians. "What about the other tales in this book? Do you believe in these as well?" He sneaked a wink at Jack, who understood where Loki was going.

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