Chapter 4

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Jack had been at Loki's cabin a few hour now but had yet to wake. Baby Tooth had heated up near the fire, but couldn't be of much help. Her wings were somewhat damaged from being squeezed and thrown into ice. No doubt was some of it due to the freezing temperatures. Her sisters and her never went to the colder places before getting extra attention to prevent their delicate wings from the harsh winds. But it didn't matter much, as she could feel Tooth's magic being close to none existent. No matter how hard she would try, she couldn't fly anymore.

Loki had kept an eye on Jack, making sure being inside didn't heat up the winter child too much. He also tried to mend the break in the staff, but nothing worked. Something was wrong. Even with the pieces lined up, he couldn't get any magic to flow between the two pieces. He never was as well versed in the frosted Jötunn magic, not any mending spells, but he tried. His last shot was Jack repairing it himself, however that required him to actually be conscience. He frowned as he suppressed the ever growing worry for the boy. He should have woken up at this point. He looked over to Baby Tooth who helplessly shrugged her shoulders. Neither knew how to wake up the winter spirit, all the conventional methods have failed.

Loki looked outside where a light snowfall was covering the forest in a fluffy white blanket. Jack would have loved to go out and have a snowball fight, had he been- He cut off the train of thought as he got up and went to the door. He stepped out and gathered an ample amount of snow, packed into a sizeable ball. Baby Tooth chirped at him and tried to flutter closer as Loki walked in with the snow, holding it right above Jack.

He gave the small fairy a slightly mischievous look and shrugged. "If this doesn't work, at least we tried." He let the ball fall, straight into the winter child's face.

Jack groaned a little but nothing much changed about his predicament. Baby Tooth climbed up to brush the snow off of Jack before his clothes would get soaked. She looked at Loki and tweeted angrily. Loki rolled his eyes and held his hand out for Baby Tooth to climb onto.

He placed her onto his shoulder again and threw Jack's limp body over the other. Baby Tooth tried to push his cheek with all her might, trying to make the trickster put the younger back down. Loki ignored the futile attempt and made his way outside. Shocked by the difference in temperature, the little fairy used Loki's hair as a make shift blanket to shield her from the freezing winds.

Loki set out to find a large enough snowbank before he threw Jack in it, his body completely disappearing in the snow. Baby Tooth tweeted out in anger at the rough handling of Jack, now punching and kicking the man's cheek. Loki rolled his eyes as he pushed her away. "Will you stop that. He is bound to rise soon."

Jack's head shot up out of the snow, uncertain who just attacked but ready to fight. Of course he was a bit too quick to move and almost fell right on his face. Though they can't interact like they used to, Wind still managed to push her favorite immortal back up. Jack looked around confused. "Where am I? What- Baby Tooth! Are you okay?!" He yelled as he rushed over to the flightless fairy and picked her up from Loki's shoulder. Giving her a quick one over to make sure she is okay, he pressed the fairy to his cheek in an attempt to hug the small being. Baby Tooth squeaked and pushed herself away from the boy's freezing cheek and let out a small sneeze as she shivered in the cold.

Jack looked solemnly and placed her back on Loki's shoulder where she quickly dove back in her unofficial blanket. "Sorry, all I can do is keep you cold." He shrugged as he looked down. He really felt like he was useless. He couldn't save Easter, nor could he beat Pitch in a fight, and he can't even keep Baby Tooth safe in the harsh winter weather.

Loki noticed Jack was upset about the passed events. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but seeing the teen in front of him sad unnerved him. Jack and sad do not mix. He would do just about anything to keep the younger from feeling down too long. He smirked as he picked up a heap of snow and threw it at Jack. "Welcome back to the land of the living, sleeping beauty."

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