Chapter 17

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The weekend went by fast for everyone, and soon it was time to head back to the castle on Sunday evening. Everyone but Tom flooed back into Sev and Lucius quarters. Harry and Draco made their way back to the common rooms to get ready for bed. Severus hadn't even sat down for a minute before he was being firecalled by the headmaster. He sighed and made his way to the man's office.

Severus didn't even knock on the door, just barged into the man's office. "Yes Albus?" He asked, feeling a bit annoyed.

"Ah, Severus, how nice of you to finally return to the castle. It seems some things have gone down at the ministry this weekend. Do you know what happened this weekend?"

Severus shook his head. "I only know what was in the paper Albus. Now can I please leave? I've only just gotten back and would like to work on some things for my classes. Also please refrain from bothering Lucius. He has a headache."

Albus sighed a bit and nodded. "Alright then Severus. You are free to go but please refrain from leaving on weekends again unless it is an emergency."

Severus didn't say anything as he walked out of the man's office. He was quite frankly tired of Hogwarts, but wanted to be in the school while his boys were there. Severus made his way back to their quarters and sighed softly. He got changed and went to lay down in bed with Luce.

"I think Dumbledore is suspicious. He wanted to know if I had any information about what happened at the ministry this weekend. I don't think he would do anything but please be careful."

Lucius nodded "Thank you for the heads up Sev." He said softly and snuggled close. Both men easily fell asleep a few minutes later.

---Little Skip---

It had been a couple weeks since the incident at the Ministry, and Narcissa was doing wonderfully as the new Undersecretary to the Minister and as head of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. Except there was an outcry at the Minister himself. Everyone wanted to know how Umbridge was doing these horrible crimes while under him. They were demanding he leave the ministry at once. So, that minister announced his resignation and would step down. Elections would be held earlier this year. Tom put his plan into motion. After the minister announced he was stepping down Kingsly announced he was running and so had Lucius. There were a couple other candidates, but they didn't have big names in politics. The main focus was on Lucius and Kingsly.

Lucius withdrew his spot at Hogwarts once it was announced he was running. Rabastan took his spot so there wasn't a lapse in teaching. Tonight they would be throwing a ball. Tom had no doubt that having the Malfoy last night would properly gain Lucius some older generation votes. Abraxas Malfoy was a well liked man in the community. Lucius would also have the support of Tom followers who would be there tonight. There was also going to be a number of people who were interested in Tom's views. Overall there were many guests that would be attending the ball at Malfoy manor this evening.

Lucius stood by the front door in his pristine dress robes as he greeted guests. Severus was by his side, and Tom was inside the manor chatting it up with some people. Harry and Draco were off sitting at a corner table with their friends. Pansy, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Daphne, and Millicent were all there. A few other children were there as well, but Draco and Harry weren't sure who they were, and quite frankly Harry didn't want to leave Blaise's side. He had a slight crush on the Italian. Harry stood there, letting Draco do most of the talking as he looked around. He smiled when he saw Lucius walk back in and made his way over to the man.

"Papa?" He asked curiously, tugging a bit on his robe to get his attention

Lucius looked down at Harry and smiled. "Yes? I'm about to go up and speak, if you are curious about food, it will happen after I talk." He said with a chuckle

Harry smiled and nodded, making his way back to his friends.

Lucius took a deep breath as he made his way to the front and got everybody's attention. Once he had their attention he started on his speech.

"Firstly I would like to thank you all for coming. It has been a long time since we have been able to put this room to good use, so I am finally glad we have an occasion. I can actually ask my husbands to dance with me in a formal manner." He said with a chuckle. "It means a lot to my husbands and I that you all came to show your support for me in running for the Minister of Magic. I know there has been some slander in what my husbands views are, but I want to correct what has been said. If you all decided to elect me as Minister I would like to change a lot of things. Taking out some creature laws so people affected my lycanthropy can actually work. They are members of society just like you and I. I would also like to set in place better laws for children. As many of you know, my family got some heat when we took my son Harry into our home. We have been falsely viewed as dark wizards and many thought we would corrupt him as well as my son Draco. That is so not true, and we took Harry into our home after we learned he was being abused by his relatives for being magical. No child deserves and I want better laws in place. I don't want to bore you all, and I most certainly know my children are hungry, so let the festivities begin. Once again thank you all for coming this evening." Lucius said with a smile.

There was a round of applause for the man and soon music started up and there was food going around. Things were in full swing. Lucius smiled and turned to Severus.

"Care to dance?" He asked with a smile

Severus blushed a bit and nodded. Soon the pair were dancing as waltz music played on. Tom was making his rounds and chatting with people. The boys on the other hand were eating and chatting away with their friends. Overall the night went well and Tom was confident everyone was on their side. Like most Malfoy balls things went on until early in the morning. Around 1:30 everyone had left. Tom chuckled as he picked up a sleeping Harry and Severus picked up a sleeping Draco. They got their boys to bed, and went to bed themselves along with Luce. All three men were exhausted, but pleased with how the evening had gone.

Dumbledore's Downfall (it'll take place, just later on): Year 1Where stories live. Discover now