3 : meetup

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10 : 16 am

yesterday, everyone convinced me to go meet up with them so thats what im doing today. peyton is gonna pick up me and ariella at twelve so i have time to get ready

"DESSY, BUBBA GET UP ITS BREAKFAST TIME!" my mom shouted from downstairs in her sweet morning voice. shes happy

i ran downstairs finding my family at the dinner table eating their food or just on their phones. it was only landon on his phone

my brother, landon is older than me by a year which is really weird but you can do the math if you want. he is really bossy and annoying for a twenty year old

"destiny, did you decide if your applying to college yet because sessions starts in three more weeks?" my dad reminded me

"i am gonna apply to one very soon dad because me and my three friends and their friends have some in mind" i said

"who are the other three friends, i only know about ariella and peyton so who else is there?" my mom asked looking at my dad

"childhood friends" i said and they still looked at my confused. "three boys... kindergarten through second grade.."

"shes talking about the three boys vallyk, michael, and derek the ones from second grade" landon said out of no where

"at least somebody knows who im talking about, but im gonna meet up with them today so we can all talk things out" i said

"yeah you really need to because last night, you were cussing out ari for saying that she liked one of them just because of your stupid grudge" landon said

that was true, me and derek werent over the whole thing because it was actually i really bad argument and when i found out ari likes him, i was kinda mad

vallyk and mike probably still dont know about the lie derek told because he still to this day didnt say anything about it

i dont wanna meet none of them but my friends want to so why not go too besides, im bored in the house anyways so whatever

"i have every right to hold it because no second grader should even do something like that when they didnt anything wrong" i said

"he literally got mad at you for playing with me and my friends on the playground so that caused a whole scene, thats so dumb" he said

i took my phone it and just started scrolling through instagram tryna avoid this conversation because its just dumb


today is a friday so my class get to go with my brothers class, we get to play with the big kids every other friday

i was the first one to run out looking for my brother so i could play with him, he was on top of the monkey bars

"hey bubby, do you need help getting up here?" my brother asked looking down at me from up top with his friends

"yes please, jared can you help me up too?" i asked the boy sitting next to my brother because they were best friends

they bent down a little and grabbed my arms pulling me up top, we do this everytime but yet never get in trouble. they help me down too

" bubba, how was class so far?" julian asked once i supported myself on one of the bars to keep myself up

" it was really fun because today me, mike, and vallyk got to color a giraffe together" i said in excitement

" what about derek? did you color with him too?" my brother asked playing with his monster truck that he brought to school

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