The Crush On Captain Levi.

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(Y/N)'s POV

"And that, Y/N, is how I was able to determine the Titans level of activity during the night!" Hanji exclaimed, looking to me with pride.
"Thats actually amazing Ha-" a yawn escaped my lips. "Hanji."
"Oh walls, look at the sky! It's almost midnight Y/N! And here I was getting lost in my story, you must be exhausted." Hanji stood up from her seat and extended her hand to me. I accepted, and allowed her to pull me to me feet, desperately trying to focus on everything but my hand in hers.

"It was lovely talking to you!" Hanji smiled before turning away. I could've seen she had more to say, and against my brain begging for a rest I called after her.
"Wait! Hanji," she turned to me, "By any chance do you have some more Titan theories you could tell me? I'm actually quite interested in what you know about them. I know I yawned but it's not because your stories are boring, they're not, I really enjoy them, I just didn't get much sleep last night." I offered her a smile before walking to catch up with her.
I could immediately see her face change to excitement, but back to a softer look soon after.
"I appreciate your enthusiasm, Y/N, but I'd much rather my assistant have a decent night's rest before coming out to her first day. Besides," she turned again and began to walk away, "we can always chat while you help me in my lab."

I smiled at the thought. Me and Hanji? Alone in a room, just the two of us.

Me and Hanji.
Alone in a room.
With just the two of us?!

I wasn't ready for that, I knew I'd make a fool of myself.
As I hurried back to my sleeping quarters I entered the room and threw myself onto the bed. I was incapable of doing anything, even worrying over Hanji, until morning.


Morning arrived too fucking quickly.
"Wait so it's gonna be just you and Hanji?!" Sasha giggled, as I ate breakfast in the main hall with my friends.
"Well, I think she's got another assistant, but I don't know if he stays or does her errands." I replied, weakly shoving a spoonful of rice into my mouth.
My head hung in embarrassment, I could tell by the heat covering my face I was getting pinker by the minute just thinking about it.

"I can't believe you've gotten so far with your little crush already." Eren chuckled.
"What?!" I exclaimed. "I don't have a crush on her! I just look up to her as an inspiring Section Commander!"
Armin snorted his drink.
"What are you laughing at little boy?" I asked, throwing him a death glare which shut him up.
"So you really don't know?" He asked after a few moments.
"Know what."

"You get pink every time you talk about her, and red whenever she says a word to you. You 'greatly admire her' and you love speaking to her whenever you can. Doesn't sound like a crush to you?"

"I- No! Because the colour of my face has nothing to do with anything, I blush easily because of heat and several other stuff-"

"Cough Section Commander Hanji Cough" Jean laughed as he finished off his sentence with a series of obviously fake coughs.

"Listen horse boy, you better watch your mouth before I stuff it with my fist." I threatened Jean.
I could feel, however, based on their comments my face situation wasn't getting any better.

"Watch out, you lovesick romantic." Eren smirked, tilting his head towards the door.

Hanji walked in with Levi and Erwin, holding a tray of food in one hand, as they all made their way to the head table to eat. I couldn't help myself as my eyes moved with her as she laughed and pushed Levi away with her arm, they were making their way past us.

Maybe something really was going on between them.

Her gaze turned in my direction. And more than definitely caught me staring. She smiled and raised her hand to me. I felt my cheeks begin to do their usual routine that occurs once Hanji sets her eyes on me.

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