Chapter 3

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*skipped till later that night*


Who the fuck is yelling in my house? I walk out of my room, roaming around. "What the fuck is going on?!" I look over at ivy and back at the new girls. "There's only enough rooms for 4 girls and this one doesn't have anywhere to sleep." I turn around seeing the one and only.. violet. "Of course it's you."

I walk over to her, dismissing everyone else to their rooms again. "Well hello baby girl.." I smirk, kissing her lips softly. She pushed my body away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Don't fucking touch me bitch." I have no other option. I pulled my gun out of my back pocket, aiming it to her head.

"Say something smart again and I pull the trigger. Nobody gives a fuck about you and everyone here is numb to the sound of screaming. You wanna die in this kitchen.. go right the fuck ahead. All I wanna do is help you out." She nodded stepping away from me, breathing heavily. I threw the gun on the counter, pulling her arm upstairs.

"For right now, you're sleeping with me whether you like it or not. I know you hate it as much as I do but I gotta do what I gotta do." She looked around, not listening to shit I have to say. "Aye.. are you listening?" She looked up, getting out of her dreamlike state. "mhm yeah daddy I hear you." She whispered to me. I like the way that sounds coming from her.

"I have a couple rules while you sleep in here with me. First of all, you cannot leave this room unless I say so. Second, do not let anybody in unless it's ivy. Third, if you have to use any of my shit.. ask me first. Not that I'd say yes but it's worth a try." She nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "This isn't prison so I'm not holding you hostage but I just need order. I don't want you mfs roaming around my house at night unless you gotta use the bathroom. There's one right there so you don't even gotta leave for that." She huffed, taking her shoes off.

"Sounds like a hostage to me.." She whispered under her breath. I swear this girl is gonna be the death of me. The only reason I haven't killed her yet is because I wanna have a little fun with her first. She's too pretty to throw away. "Don't get smart with me please. I'm too tired for this right now."

"You look like you don't do anything but sit around and twinkle your toes all day. I should be the one tired." Oh so she has jokes now? Great. I walk over to her, putting my hand on her throat and squeezing my nails deep into her veins. "Watch your mouth. I don't think you wanna talk like that to me again do you Ms. Violet?" She tried pulling my arms down but couldn't reach me.

"You can't take the pain can you princess? Tell me you want me to stop and I'll stop.. go ahead pussy." Her face started turning red, and her pupils went side to side. "O-okay I'm sorry!" She managed to scream out. I let go of her, looking at her marked neck full of my nail prints. "These fingers coulda been somewhere else but you wanna talk back so badly huh?" I smirked biting down on my lip.

She scooted up into the bed, laying her head on my cold pillow. She looked numb and I finally could see I had power over her body. "That's my side of the bed.." She looked up, scooting over again. "You don't wanna change into something else?" I say looking down at her body. She had on tight jeans and a tube top that fit her body so perfectly but it wasn't something that looked comfortable to sleep in.

"I don't really have clothes.." I got up looking in my closet for something. I threw a black oversized shirt
at her. She caught it, walking to the bathroom. "Nah change right here." She turned around, trying her best not to talk back. "But I don't feel comfortable changing in front of you.. please can I just-"

"You heard what the fuck I said." I looked deep into her eyes as she stripped from head to toe in front of me. Gosh she's so beautiful. She slipped the shirt over her body, climbing into bed with me. "Stay on your side.." I whispering turning my back the other way to face the window.

"I didn't wanna touch you anyways Mr. Grinch."
I'm gonna kill her I swear.

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