(Later that night)
"I'm taking you on a date baby. Get up." She looked up at me in shock. That's something I've ever really done for her. Going in public is not for us, or for me at least. I wanted to spoil her. "But I just wanted to cuddle and watch movies bil.." I rolled my eyes, pulling her up by her wrist. "Fuck that. Come on, I'll help you pick out an outfit."
"No. If you're taking me out, I wanna surprise you. Get out." She pushed me out the closet, shoving me out the room. "I'll let you know when I'm done.." She slammed the door in my face and I was left with boredom for an hour straight.
"Baby I'm ready!" I stood up off the couch, watching her walk down the stairs slowly. I heard the sound of heals, knowing tonight is gonna be the night I fall further in love with her by the second. "Oh. my. good. God." She smiled walking up to me. "You like it?" My eyes grew wide as I spun her around with my hand holding hers. "I've never seen you this dressed up before. Wow." I pulled her closer to me, feeling down on her body. "No touching missy! Wait till we get home tonight." I rolled my eyes, kissing her lips softly. "Alright fine. Let's go."
I walked her out gently so she wouldn't fall, closing the front door behind me. "Hold on baby gimme a second." She laughed, watching me struggle to lock the door. "You think it's funny huh?" She nodded, smiling wildly. I've never seen her this happy to go anywhere and it makes me so much happier to see her that way. "Here you go ma'lady." I opened the passenger door, helping her in. "I'm taking these fucking heels off till we get to where we're going. Nobody ever told me that these were so hard to walk in." I laughed, closing the door behind me.
"Your seatbelt Billie.." I rolled my eyes, doing as she said. "You know where we're going?" I looked over at her, the dress she was wear sliding up from her thighs. "Bil eyes up here.." She lifted my chin, pointing to the road. "I'm sorry.. you just look so good right now." She kissed my cheek, looking down at her phone. "Come on before we're late." I started the car putting my hand on her thigh, keeping her safe and next thing I knew, she was sound asleep next to me.
I pulled her hand to step out of the car. Swinging us back and forth till we got inside the restaurant. "Table for two please.." I watched the lady grab menus, guiding us to our seats. This was a dark, smaller area which I liked. I didn't want anyone seeing us and that's exactly what it was. It wasn't crowded nor loud but the music filled the room. "There you are. I'll be back in a little bit for your drinks." I looked down at the waiters body, and back up at her. "Thank you ma.."
"Really?" I looked over at violet, both of our eyes growing wide knowing she was causing attention. That's really how small it was in here. "What? Why you gotta be so loud?!" We both sat down, opening the menu. "You're really gonna sit here and flirt with her in front of me?" I could feel the tension in the room. The whole point of me taking her here was so we could get away from the arguments and all the toxic energy but everywhere we go, it always follows. "All I said was thank you baby. Calm down it's not that serious. Your jealousy is showing again."
*Violets pov*
"Whatever. What are you getting to eat?" I looked up at her and back down at my lap. It feels like as soon as we were okay again, something fucks it up and we're back at round one. "Billie! Can you get off your phone and pay attention to me please? You're being rude." The fact that I ever thought she was gonna treat me to a dinner and actually be good to me is crazy. Getting my hopes up in this relationship is the last thing I should ever do because it never ends well. "Sorry- uh i gotta go to the bathroom real quick. Gimme a second, I'll be back." She stood up, running to the back.
I looked at the clock on the wall, watching it tick back and forth. It's been an hour and Billie isn't back. I knew she probably had left for whatever reason but I don't even care anymore. Being with her is like a job that I never get paid for doing. I stood up, throwing my napkin on the table. I seen the workers staring at me and all I wanted to do was cry. What was the point in taking me on a date when you're just gonna leave your girlfriend at an table for an hour? I walked outside, seeing that there was an empty parking lot, and her car not being there. "I fucking hate her." I rolled my eyes, pulling my phone out to call an Uber. The ride home was a blur, and all I wanted to do was go home and cry myself to sleep. Me facing her was the worst idea to think of because I knew if I did, I would end up saying some shit I would regret later.
I walked through the front door. Seeing her on couch, scrolling through her phone. "Hey babe.." She looked up at me and back down at her phone. "Really?! You left me at the table for almost two hours! What's your problem?" I took my heels off, throwing them across the living room floor. "So you're mad at me??" I squinted my eyes, walking up to her. "No fucking duh! You left me sitting there like an idiot by myself. Lying, saying you were going to the bathroom and never came back. That's so fucked up."
"It was an emergency!"
"Please tell me what was so important baby. Tell me because we've been fighting so much recently and I thought this cute lil date would make up for it but you weren't even there half the time. What did you do? Take me there and leave to get payback? To make me feel bad?? If that's the case, it sure did work because you embarrassed me and now I feel like shit." I wiped a tear that had falling down my cheek. I hated being emotional because it showed that she had power over me and that's not what I wanted. She pulled me close to her, holding me in her arms. "No baby. It's not about that at all. You know I would never purposely make you feel bad. It was que.."
*Billies pov*
"Que?? What do you mean?" I was just as confused as she was. More scared than anything. "He's not dead baby.."

I'm too expensive
FanfictionBillie eilish is a well know sugar mama. She lives in a mansion full of girls she's picked up off of the streets of la and everyone that walks in, leaves with nothing. She soon falls in love with one that wanted nothing but money. Being forced out o...