Chapter 25

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I felt the bed rocking. Small moans coming from the other end. I sat up, looking down at ivy. "What the fuck are you doing?! It's 4 in the morning dude." She pulled her hand out of her pants, licking them clean. "I couldn't help myself. You looked so good sleeping all peacefully.."

"Peacefully my ass. You're weird as hell." I got up, taking her pillow with me. Back to my room I go. I cracked the door open, seeing violet deep inside our covers. "Scoot over baby.." I tapped her shoulder, moving her to the other side. "Where'd you go?" I got close to her, pulling her body into mines.

"Don't worry bout it mama. Go back to sleep." I kissed her forehead, making sure she was comfortable. I can't keep treating her good and then fucking it all up the next day out of boredom. It's not fair to her at all. I think I need therapy?


"Ma'am! You can't go in there!" I heard the door knob jiggling. "Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell! Open the door now!" I jumped up, knowing exactly who it was. "Who is that baby?" I pecked her lips, putting my gun in my pocket. "Just calm down.. I got it." I opened the door, watching Abigail and her lil minions walk in behind her.
(Abigail is the lady that's above of Billie and the one that gave her the drugs if you're confused bc I didn't say her name before lmao)

"I see you got a nice little room huh? Well that's not gonna last long now is it?" They all started throwing shit around, looking for I don't know what. "Where the hell is que Billie?! I know you know where he is." I shrugged, sitting down on the bed. She walked up to me, putting her hand on my chin. "You tell me where he is or I'll kill your lil girlfriend right now. I'll make you sit and watch her bleed to the ground."

The problem with this is, I know she would do it without hesitation but if I tell her I killed him not knowing where the money nor the rest of the drugs are.. she's gonna kill me and then her. "I don't fucking know! Now get out of my fucking house!" I threw my gun on the bed, ready for whatever she was about to do to me.

She pulled me by my hair, dragging me too the ground. "You got one more chance eilish or I'll torture you to death." I looked up at her, waiting on her to hit me. "You won't. I know you don't have the balls to do it because you don't have anybody else to boss around but me. Who's gonna continue to work for you if you can't find que and I'm dead? Think about it." 
Think smarter not harder.

"I'll find someone else. You're not the only one in la that would be stupid enough to even start doing some shit like this." She pushed me further to the ground, aiming the gun to my head. I looked up at violet, tears swelling in her eyes. I looked down at the gun on the bed, hinting for her to grab it. "Drop it." Violet yelled. That's my baby.

"Put the gun down slowly." Violet got up, aiming it to her head. "Okay okay young lady. Let's just work this out. I'll leave and we can figure this all out." I'm not believing anything she says. This won't ever end. "Go!" They all got up, storming out the door. I got up, rushing to her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you do that shit.."

"It's okay it was fun.. but I feel nauseous baby. My head hurts." I laid her down, putting pillows around her body. "Okay just stay there. I'll bring you some food." I literally just almost died and somehow I'm pretending like nothing happened. "Hey what happened yesterday? Is she okay?" I walked in the kitchen over to the cabinet, watching nova follow my every move. "So you're just gonna ignore me then? Fine." She tried leaving but I pulled her back over to me.

I pushed her against the wall, looking down at her lips. "Let's go down to the movie room.." I whispered, watching her bite down on her lip. I grabbed her ass, pulling her closer to my front. "You like that?" She looked away, staring behind me. "Seriously?!" I turned around seeing violet eyeing the both of us. "You couldn't even go two seconds without being on someone else? I just wanted some food.." Well in this case, nobody told her to get outta bed anyway. "I was doing that and then.. I got distracted."

"Why the fuck do I even try anymore?" A question we both should answer. This shit is so toxic. "Baby you can't gimme anything right now so I was just gonna ask nova. It's not that serious.. I just wanted a stress reliever."

"You couldn't wait a least a week for me? I don't understand how you can take your bipolar ass down here after I just risked my life tryna save yours. It's all selfishness on your end and it's just a cycle of you hurting me every time you get bored.. but again I'm stuck here so I gotta deal with it. How is that fair?" It's not fair but I just can't stop.

"Okay I'll drop it. I won't talk or flirt with anybody else in this house again. Are you happy now?" She nodded, walking back up the stairs.

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