Ch. 1 Buongiorno! (Good Morning)

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Darkness. At first that is all I register as I slowly make my way toward consciousness. The more awake I become the more things my senses pick up on.

First, I hear the sound of water beating angrily agaisnt something, an almost roaring sound. I can also hear two other sets of people breathing, one a delicate snore, the other just deep even breaths. (Something I miss is that fact that there should be three sets of breathing, not including my own.)

Next, I smell the brine of saltwater. The freshness almost slapping me in the face, helping me to wake up faster. I also smell burnt wood and smoke, and remember that it is due to the fire we had last night.

Then, BAM! My eyes fly open and I jump up into a defensive position, looking around to locate the threat. I relax instantly upon seeing the tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed man that stands in front of our fire pit. I reallize the noise was him dropping a log on the fire.

I look out at the water. The sun has barely risen over the horizon, and he is already at work. I smile, the view is wonderful (and the scenery isnt too bad either *nudge nudge*). I stand up and stretch, trying to work out all the kinks from sleeping on the ground.

Germany stands in the same spot as before, now with his arms crossed, watching me stretch.

"Good Morning Ludwig." I say with a smile.

"Guten Morgen." he responds. I walk over to him.

"Why do you always get up so early?" I ask not really expecting an answer. As I expected, he only shrugs. I let it go because I've asked this so many times and that is the only answer I ever get, but I'll probablly ask him again tomorrow (I don't learn). I walk over to our latrine, since there's no bathroom. I do my business and then make my way back over to the group. As I made my way back, I see that Germany is back to work moving logs on the fire. I stood back for a moment, admiring how his muscles flexed. He was wearing his black tank top, green army pants, and hat. Upon closer inscpection, I notice a few stray hairs escaping from his hat and laying against his forehead. I think to my self "So cute!"

I make it back to my 'bunk' area and sit down. Someone sits next to me, and I look over and see Japan. He hands me some water which I gladly take it. I smile, and set the cup down. "Arigato." I tell him, earning a smile. Each man has been teaching a little bit of their native language. I was picking up on some, but come on, YOU try learning three languages at once.

Anyways, on to who the third man of our group, if you haven't figured it out already. Italy! Who just so happens to be (Drumroll...) you guessed it. Asleep. Shocking right? I look over at the sleeping Italian man. He has a smile on his face as usual. I wil never be able to understand how he sleeps without losing the smile.

So now you get the picture. The goofy, child-like Italy, the mood sensing Japan, and the serious, totally ripped Germany. (If you haven't caught on, I like me some Germany *snap snap* Wake up).

I guess you're wondering, how we ended up in this situation. Well, here:


Le reason we are on this island: We found an article on some sparkly, walking, dolphins and just had to come check it out.

Just kidding. Here's the real reason. Italy suggested that we take a vacation on some low populated island that he knows. So, we get in a boat, and speed off, not even realizing that Italy isn't the most compatent well anything really (other than cooking and hopeless flirting). So, eventually, we found the island, only it isn't the one we were looking for. And to add the cherry on top, Italy didn't tie up the boat the right way so we came back and found it floating freely out in the ocean. (Come to think of it, it was really our fault for trusting him with that job in the first place.) The only good thing is that we had brought most of the supplies with us, so at least we weren't completely helpless.


It's been five days, and so far no luck at being rescued. So, we're forced to sit back, twidle our thumbs, and wait.

I look up as Germany hands my a piece of island fruit. Not sure what it is but it has a sweet but tangy flavor. I stick it in my mouth as I crawl over to Italy, figuring he wouldn't want to miss food.

"Hey Italy wake up. Come on. Buongiorno." I gently shake his shoulder. He mumbles at little and rolls over. I crawl closer to him and lay in front of him. I gently caress his cheek and continue cooing to him. Suddenly, Italy (still asleep) wraps his arm around me like a Teddy bear and rolls back over onto his other side, effectively trapping me against his chest. No matter how absolutely drop-dead adorable this was, he was starting to crush me.

I strain my neck to look at the other fine gentlemen sitting there and manage to squeak out a feeble "help". Germany walks over and starts nudging Italy with his boot, which was effective only for making Italy's grip tighten. I cough and mouth 'your not helping', so he grabs Italy by the collar and lifts him off the sand, jolting Italy awake and causing him to drop me, making me land roughly on my bottom.

"Thank you. That was very helpful." I roll my eyes at Germany, then look at Italy, who had also just been dropped on his bottom. Italy crawled over to me for a hug.

"Boungiorno fratello." Goodmorning brother. I greet Italy with a smile. I've known Italy for four years now, and he is literally like a brother to me. "Bougiorno, sorella." Goodmorning sister, he says back with a big smile on his face, happy that I am starting to grasp Italian. Out of all the languages they are trying to teach me, Italian is really the one I remember and understand. Probably because I already know english and also Spanish pretty well.

After breakfast, it's time to get more fire wood. "Who's turn is it to get the firewood?" I ask. Germany says, " I think it's our turn." With a sigh, I drag myself up off the ground and head off into the jungle.

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