Ch. 9 A Major Problem

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Germany POV

I stare, wide eyed, at Everi slumped agaisnt my chest, asleep. I decide, instead of trying to understand her bizarre fit, I just stroke her hair a few times.

"Well, that was interesting," Japan comments and I look at him, agreeing with a look in my eyes.

Japan lift up the hut and steps out quietly, saying, "Goodnight Mr. Germany."

"Guten nacht," I say back as he lowers the hut. I close my eyes, thankful that the girl on my chest is still alive.

Everi POV

When I wake up, I feel confused, sick, hungry, thirsty, and happy, but above all else I feel confused. I hear the crashing waves, so I know I'm on the beach. I feel something warm wrapped around me that I instantly recognize as Germany's arms. His breathing is slow and even so I know that he is still asleep. I slowly and carefully open my eyes, so I'm not bombarded with the sunlight, but its not necessary. I see where I am; inside a small hut made out of leaves, branches, and rope. I smell not only the saltiness of the sea but the clean smell that only happens after a good thunderstorm. I don't remember how I got here. The last thing I remember is shooting my bow, eating  a mushroom, then it gets hazy but I remember stumbling back toward camp. Thats it.

The hut doesn't have a door so I can't see outside but I know it's morning because sunlight creeps it's way in between the cracks in the hut. Germany must have been up really late for him to still be asleep. I feel bad for being reckless and making him worry about me. I decide to let him sleep, so I just lay there listening to his heartbeat and breathing. I start to drift off back to sleep, only to be startled back awake because I would see flashes of things. Images of greenery, a swirling rainbow of green, blue, and brown, weird little demons. At one point, I saw one Germany, then there was two. It was all very weird.

When I see these things, my eyes pop open and I'm breathing hard. Everything seems to be in place and I close my eyes again only to see the images again. I give up on trying to sleep. I try to sit up but my body wont move. I try again, but nothing happens; I am still laying on Germany's chest.

Well, crap, I think, I cant sleep because of those...things. And I cant move. I look up at the leaves, trying to find something interesting but failing. I start trying to move parts of my body again, and in my intense squirming, I discover that I can move my facial muscles. I experimentally open and close my mouth. Well, I should be able to talk. I can also slightly twitch my fingers but I don't know what that will do for me. After feebly trying to move again I'm really starting to worry.

"Ger-ger-germany...Germany!" I try to wake him up, but I can't manage anything other than a small squeak. Great...what do I do now? I mentally pace, trying to think this through.

I could try moving- not likely. Scream? Talk at a normal volume? Maybe? I try to speak again at a louder volume, getting minimal results. He stirs slightly. I notice He's only wearing a tank top (well on his torso at least) and beside from it being incredibly sexy there is some exposed skin (duh) So I decide that drastic times call for drastic measures. I start licking exposed on his chest, but I don't get a reaction.

Dammit! Come on! I try again, this time causing him stir. "Hey Luddy! Wake up!" I whisper-scream. He opens his eyes, smiling at me. He kisses my forehead.

"Guten morgen." He says, his voice husky from sleep. He tries to sit up, only to find he's laying with a rag doll. " can get up." he says.


"What?" he says, while his eyebrows squish together.

"I...cant" I say slowly, and scratchy. Germany carefully sits up, laying me down. He grabs my hand, squeezing it lightly.

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